Monday, June 18, 2012


The kids were playing in the backyard this afternoon and Ella and Gordon had come inside. I didn't see Eden so I went to check on her to make sure she was okay. When I peeked my head out the back I saw her up on our picnic table singing and dancing her little heart out..until she saw me that is. Then she got embarrassed and asked me to go back inside. As soon as I shut the sliding glass door she was back to her song and dance :)

This morning Gordon asked if we could go and play at Natalie's house (a friend in the ward). I explained to him that everyone in their family has pink eye right now and that it is very contagious so we can't play with them until they are better. Eden quickly chimed in and said, "yeah they can't come over until they have blue eyes...not pink eyes!"

We took the kids to this little Mexican restaurant to get some dinner on Memorial Day...and while we were there Ella said, "Oh look these are restaurant flies". They were not the typical house fly they were the smaller fruit fly type flies. Then she finished her thought with, "they are fancy".

Russell is really connecting now. Everyday this week I have been able to just sit and talk to him and he is trying to make sounds back and the whole time doing it with an adorable smile on his face. I just can't get enough of this little guy!

Gordon was playing in the backyard the other day and then ran inside and said, "Mom I found a turtle!" At first I thought he was joking...but them he said, "Mom I am serious...come see". And sure enough there was a little turtle. We looked online and found out it was a Big Bender Slider turtle. (They are a water turtle). We asked the kids for some suggestions on names and Ella quickly came up with Cactus. We had thought maybe we could keep her...but after doing some reading online so we would know what kind of habitat she would need we decided the best thing for her was to let her go. So yesterday morning the kids and I set her free again. It was fun to have her for a day.

Love you all SO much!

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