Thursday, October 31, 2013


I am very off on when I am sending these out...but I had a good amount gathered so I thought I would send them out ;) Love you all!!

Today I was getting ready to head out to the grocery store and Eden and Russell were going to be with me. Eden went out a few min before I did to get in the car. I looked out there to check on her while I was grabbing a few last min things and I saw her leaning up from the backseat and looking at herself in the rear-view mirror singing her little heart out. So cute. Then when Russell and I got out to the car Eden was all buckled in her seat and she said look Mom I can see myself lots of times. She pointed up to the front seat which had both visors down with the mirrors open aimed at her cute face as well as the rear-view mirror adjusted so she could also see herself. She also turned on all the lights so she could see herself even better. Put a smile on my face!
I came into the family room and saw on one of our leather couches with the name "EDEN" scratched into the cushion. I quickly found Eden to ask her about it...she replied that Ella wrote it. So I went and found Ella and when I asked her if she wrote that she said, "Yes." I then asked her why she would do that? She said Eden and her were playing a game and she wanted Eden to know which side of the couch was going to be her side so she wrote her name there so she wouldn't forget. I then explained that on a leather couch when you scratch something into it like that it is like you got a marker and wrote on it...that it would not come off. She did not realize that. She felt bad. Good thing I was already planning to go and buy a slip cover for that couch today. ;)

Russell has always been my climber...but now his new favorite place to climb in on the kitchen counter. And while he is up there he gets into the cupboard and gets dishes out....ah...heres to hoping the next little bundle is not a climber too...wears me out ;)

Russell and I were up first on sat morning watching a little show and snuggling with his blanket. Then Ella came down and joined us, the Eden came down awhile later....Russell got up grabbed his blanket and went over to where Eden was sitting and put his blanket on her. Then he came back and snuggled with Ella. Melt my heart!

Ella received an award at school yesterday called a 'caught ya'.(where the catch you doing something good)  When Gordon came home from school Ella went over to him and said, "Gordon, don't feel bad, but I got a caught ya today...I am awesome right!?" Gordon asked,"Why did you get it?" Ella's response," ...... I don't even know!".


A day or two late....

While Taylor and I were gone the kids made some goo at Aunt Genny's house. Eden's was pink and Gordon's is green (no surprise). The kids were playing with it today and some of Gordon's green got mixed in with Eden's pink. She was quite sad about it. Gordon is a great big brother and said, "Hey if I mix it all together really well maybe you will not be able to tell there is any green in it....after he mixed it it had somewhat of a marbled effect. Eden was still very displeased...Gordon then said, "Eden it is okay...look it is like it is pink hair with green highlights!" What a cute and clever little boy trying to make his little sister happy :)
Russell is such a snuggler lately! When he wakes up I sit with him in the rocking chair and rock with him for several min. It makes waking up early not so bad when I get that precious one on one time with him each morning :)
Russell had some little kid sunglasses on yesterday and was walking around saying, "CHHHHEEEEESSSSEEEE" with the biggest smile on his face. It was so adorable. But of course once I pulled the camera out to get a picture he wouldn't do it any more. Hopefully I will get another chance to capture it!
Taylor has been trying to teach the kids to think about what they are praying for and not just repeating the same things over and over again. So Eden's prayer right after that discussion went something like this...."Please bless Great-great-great-great grandma and Grandpa that they can have a good time in heaven. And bless Jesus that he can have a good time in Heaven too...and bless that great-great grandma and grandpa can have a good time in heaven...and bless us to have good dreams, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen."
Gordon said to me the other know people could just find out that there is no Santa if they just went up to the North Pole and they saw he wasn't there.
Love you all!!!!


I am late getting this are a few ;)

Last night we were getting ready to do scriptures and Ella was wanting to get a drink of water. Taylor was asking her to wait until we were finished. He was trying to explain to her that you can tell your body what you want to do (teaching self-control and patience). Then faintly I heard Eden say out loud, "Body I would like to do scriptures". Made me smile :)
In the car yesterday I heard Russell sucking on something. I couldn't think of what he could have reached that he could suck on. I looked back at a spot sign and saw that he was suckin' away on his big toe. ;)
Gordon and I were going over his vocabulary words for his science test. I was quizzing him. I asked him what does "prey" mean. He quickly replied, "It is when you get on your knees and talk to Heavenly Father." I explained that it is prey with an 'e' then he said, "Oh of course..." and then gave the correct answer. :)
We have a little plastic shopping cart that the kids love to play with and push around the house. They love to give Russell rides in it....and he loves to have rides in it. Tonight when Gordon was giving Russell a "roller-coaster ride" Russell put his hands up in the air on the 'fast' part. So cute!
Love you all!!


Taylor said he overheard Eden on the computer and it asked her what movie she would like to do...he then heard her sing "eenie meenie miny moe" to choose which one she wanted to do.
Which reminds me. We listen to the Brite music cds in the car and Eden knows all the words to the animal cd. She loves it! Her favorite number is Number 4 the one about Turkeys :)
In the car the other day the kids were singing Christmas songs and they started to sing Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer. And they got to the part that says, "All of the other reindeer". Eden said, "OH Olive the other reindeer...I love olives!". :)
In that same conversation Ella was talking about something and said, "Oh my goodness." Eden quickly asked me, "Mom, can Ella say that? 'Oh my goodness'?" I said sure. Then Ella said, "You just can't say 'Oh my goodness sakes'." Eden then was thinking out loud to herself.... "Oh my goodness sakes...sake...sakes. Yeah you can't say sakes. I don't know what that means...that means it is a bad word!"
Russell LOVES to give hugs and kisses. It is adorable! He will blow kisses good-bye and he also is a climber!! Wow does that boy get into things. Need to keep a close eye on that little boy! :) 
The other morning I was helping Ella get ready for school and out of the blue she looked at me and said, "Mom, I am so glad that I got you for my Mom!" Made my day! Love my sweet Ellanor!
We love you all and hope you each had a wonderful week!


I overheard Gordon talking to one of his little toys (a zooble pet) as we were getting out of the car. He said, "Do you want to go play bowling? Me too....yeah, you can be a pin!" It just made me giggle!
I gave Gordon a kiss on the cheek tonight and then I saw him quickly go to rub it off....I said, "Hey don't you rub off my kisses!" His quick response was, "NO, I'm rubbing it IN." :) Quick on his feet that one !

Before Taylor left for work the other morning Eden said..." okay fruit hug!" Taylor explain that it is actually called a group hug :) 

The kids loved going to Disneyland this past weekend! Very tiring weekend but packed with a lot of fun!! Cars land was a favorite for all...and the girls especially loved the Little Mermaid Ride. Russell loved Its a Small World. So magical! can't wait until the next trip to the Happiest Place on Earth :)
Updated the blog with Eden's birthday go and check it out--soon I will add Disneyland photos.
Love you all!!!


Just a few for this week...but I want to get back on track on getting them out on time :) Love you all!!

I can't remember if I wrote this one down already but Gordon said it again last night. Taylor is busy with work so he was not here for bed time last night. So it was my duty to tell the story. After I was done (which I must admit..was not my best work). Ella said, "Mom can you make it longer and better next time?" Gordon quickly said, "Dad is good at stories...but Mom you are really good at throwing parties!" :) Thanks Gordon!
The girls were remembering our Earl Family Reunion at the Arizona Grand Hotel and they were talking about swimming in the pool with Uncle Cameron and Rebekah. So I started to explain that they are not dating anymore and that Cameron is now dating a girl named Alison. Ella quickly said, "A different Alison...not Jorgan and Alison's Alison". Eden said, ?Yeah because she has a man and it is Jorgan!"
I was making chocolate cupcakes for Eden's party. I was mixing the batter and turned around to find Russell was climbing into his high chair (which I have never seen him do before) with a little assistance he made it in and then looked at me with a huge grin as to say, 'Okay Mom, I am ready for the taste test'. I don't even know how he knew what I was making...guess the smell in the kitchen gave it away. But I could not resist. I gave him a lick of the bowl when I was done and he got the biggest grin on his face. Smacked his lips and then started to climb out of his chair. Mission accomplished!
Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen sent a birthday card for Eden in the mail. It was a pop up castle card. Eden loved it! after she opened it, she quickly went to get her squinkies (very very very small dolls) to have live in her new little castle. The card will entertain her for hours to come!


As a family we went to a baptism this past Sat for a little 9 year old girl that is in our ward. When we got there the sister missionaries asked if the kids would mind coming up to the front to sing a musical number. (I like to look for rainbows). There were a handful of Primary children that got up to sing. But my heart melted when our kids got up and they were standing in the front...and as the prelude was starting Ella reached over and grabbed Eden's hand and then she reached over and grabbed Gordon's. All three of them held hands the whole time while they sang the song. It brought happy Mom tears to my eyes :)

As we were walking into church Ella said, Mom tomorrow is th first day o school. I looked at her slightly puzzled since she started school on the previous Thursday. She quickly clarified....what I meant was tomorrow I my first day of school.....with homework! (With a big grin on her face) I hope she will always love homework this much....a mother can wish right!?! ;) 

When we say night time prayers as a family we all get on our knees and now Russell has caught on o the tradition...except he doesn't actually kneel. He will stop whatever he is oing an then crawl over to b by us and then lay face down on the ground and not move until we are done with the prayer. It is so adorable! 

Little things Russell is doing lately I really just find so stinkin' cute! Like when he tries to cool down his food by "blowing" on it (basically making a loud noise and spitting). Or when he blows his nose ( which looks like what is should when he is cooling off his food.) And he is picking up humor very quickly. He gets little jokes and will laugh very dramatically. He is growing up way too fast! 

The other day it was just Ella and me in the car and she said, "good thing you are my I can watch I can learn to be a mom." Totally out if the blue and made me feel great!


It has been too long! I don't really have an excuse...I have just been slacking lately. Sorry!!
Tonight Russell was munching on a frozen go-gurt(it is a tube full of frozen yogurt) typically you squeeze it from the bottom to get all the goodness to come out. I help Russell out and has he eats it I cut the plastic down so he can reach. I looked over at him tonight when he was getting down to the end. He could tell there was a little bit left at the bottom but he couldn't quite get it. He also had a straw laying on his tray so he picked it up and put the straw into the go-gurt tube to suck all of it out. Smart and resourceful little guy!
Ella is getting so excited for school. We went to the dr. this past week and she is "perfect" measuring in at 46 inches and 46 pounds. Great vision and looks just as health as can be :)
Eden has been such a joy lately. It is really a blast to just sit and chat with her. She is growing up so quickly! I am glad that I will get to have some one on one time with her this year while the other kids are in school and Russell is napping. :)
Gordon has been a great helper around the house. He loves to help mow the lawn and clean basically whatever I ask him to.
At dinner tonight Ella said," It is perfect Gordon can play with Russell and Eden and I can play together and Mom and Dad get to play together....well the way Mom and Dad like to play is by chatting, and Dad likes to play by working just play."


These were from a week + ago...but with being out of town I failed to write many down from vacation. So I thought I would send these ones along in the mean time. I am hoping I will remember some from our trip and get those off too. Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!! Love you all!!

I went to put Russell to bed and I set him down in his crib. He quickly sat up and looked all around...he couldn't find his cow-boy. We went to get it and then he went right to bed.

Russell is totally understanding everything now. The other day he was pretty cranky and I asked him if he wanted to go back down for a nap, he quickly looked at me, stopped crying and shook his head no. Then today he was looking a bit sleepy so again I asked him, "do you want to go night-night?" He held up his hand in the air and began to wave bye-bye (which he does whenever he goes to lay down) and started walking toward his crib. 
I was bathing the girls here at my parents house and Gordon was in the tub in the bathroom just one room over from us. The girls were very tired and the tears were freely coming. I was trying to get through this bath time and then Gordon all clean and washed came into the bathroom we were in....he had a bottle of baby shampoo in his hand and handed it to me and said, "mom you should probably use this says 'no more tears'." Such a thoughtful boy! 

My parents just celebrated their anniversary and my mom has put their engagement picture up on Facebook. I was showing the kids and telling them that this was grandma and grandpa when they got married. Ella quickly responded...well and right after that they changed their faces because they don't look like that at all any more.


So sorry I have been a HUGE slacker lately!!! I have not been feeling well and that is making me lazy in a few things and unfortunately this has been one :(.
So here is what I can remember from what has been going on the past little while....
Russell loves to wave to people. And he will even say "hi" or "bye" with it on occasion.
Russell is full blown walking. All over the place. It is so cute to watch him. He is pretty independent but if you are near by when he passes you he will reach up his little hand for your finger to take you with him on his journey.
The kids have been so wonderful at helping out around the house. They help me empty the dishwasher, vacuum, sweep, and they can clean the loft all by them selves, take out the trash, help cook lunch and sometimes dinner!! Gordon even cleaned two bathrooms for me the other day. The toilets and even the tub! I can get very use to this!! They are wonderful worker bees!
We were in the loft yesterday and Ella said to Eden, "I need your skills!" Eden with a puzzled looks said back, "You need my skittles?" Ella then said, "No, not your skittles...your your bones!"


We were in the car and Eden leaned over and asked Grandma, "Do you know what trash can means?" Grandma's reply was, "Sure, it is where you put garbage." Eden asked again, "No, you know trash can...." Then she said, "Like trash can talking" :)

Gordon was up in Grandma's bathroom while she was doing he hair and the topics of cowlicks came up. Gordon was noticing his and asked if girls had them. Grandma explained that sometimes they do but they can be covered up by their long hair. Later on Gordon was noticing that Grandma was putting some foam in her hair...he asked, "What is that?" Grandma replied,"Moose". Then Gordon with a puzzled look on his face said, "Why do things with hair have to do with animals?"

While we were at the beach we were explaining to Gordon that you can go number one in the ocean but not in a pool. Grandma had a follow up question. She asked, "where do fish go to the bathroom?" Gordon said, "they swim away from people!"

Eden at the beach "I like scaring the chickens (pigeons) away"

Russell is still not walking on his own. Although he does prefer to he holds one of my fingers and walks all over the house with me. It is adorable, but I will enjoy it when he gets a little more daring an tries it on his own :)

And poor boy. Working on another molar and this time it has created a blood blister in his mouth. It looks very painful...and it seems to be, this poor guy has been pretty miserable the past few days. Hopefully it breaks through soon! 

Love you all!!


We were in the car and I was listening in on the kids conversation....Eden asked Gordon, "Is there water in Heaven?" Gordon replied, "Yes! Heaven is a lot like it is here...except you just will never have any owies" :)
Eden loves to dip her food into things and she is notorious for "painting" things as she dips. By the time she is finished her plate is covered...very artistically.
I can't remember if I have given the teeth update for Russell. Two of his four molars have broken through with another on the way.
I have updated the blog with a few things as well. Remember to check that   You need to be logged in with the email address I sent your invite to to access it. If you need an invite again let me know. (Sorry it is a hassle...but I feel much better since we went private)
Ella woke up the other morning with blue on her lips. Taylor came and told me..."I am pretty sure Ella colored her lips with a blue marker". And to be totally honest I wasn't super surprised...I could see her thinking it would be pretty lipstick and go for it. (although I know she knows better). I went to ask her about it. I asked her if she put marker on her lips. She said, "No! We need to figure out why my lips are blue!....maybe there was a marker in my bed while I was sleeping?" I went and checked her bed expecting to find a blue marker open and all over her sheets. And there was nothing there. I couldn't explain it. Then a little while later Ella came to me again, "Mom I really need to figure out how my lips got blue...." she sat there for a moment and then with exclamation said, "I got it! I probably slept on my Doodle Bear  and that marker got on my face." (note: A Doodle Bear is a bear made to be drawn on with markers and the you can wash and color on it over and over again)She ran to get the bear and sure enough she even knew the exact place that the marker transferred from the bear to her face. Smart little girl. And now we know that Teddy is a play bear not a sleeping bear ;) And also glad to know that we don't have a little stealth mouse in our house running around with a blue marker turning lips different colors.

We were in the car and I overheard Ella telling her friend I had a dream that my Mom was a super hero. She dove into the water with her cape and saved the baby twins. 

We babysit swap with some friends so we can go to the temple and it was our turn with the kids. Gordon was very excited for them to come. He asked, "how long till they get here?" I told him5 min. He asked how long does that take. I said it is 60 seconds 5 times. Then a few min later he came running down stairs saying they are here and it only took 4 min and 37 seconds!

Love you all so much!!!! Hope you had a great week!


Pretty sure I missed a week...sorry!!!

During Sacrament meeting today Ella looks back over our bench and lets out a gasp...."Mom, look that person is ASLEEP!...their eyes are CLOSED...and they are not little, they are almost an adult!"
Russell is working on TWO of his molars. I thought it was one...nope top and bottom on his left side. Hard work for a little boy!
We made cotton candy for Family Night last night and when we announced it to the kids Ella with pure excitement and joy said, "I- am- so - excited! Best- Night- ever!" (and with each beat she was striking some new dance pose.)--this is when I wish more than anything I had a video camera to capture it.
The girls have been whining about playing the computer so I told Ella this morning we are going to go the whole day without playing the computer and see if that helps us to not whine. Then she came over and started asking/whining if she could play the computer. I was explaining to her..."what if we didn't have a computer then you wouldn't be whining about it"....she thought for a moment and then said, "Mom...I would still whine"
In the car yesterday Eden's shoes fell off and they were near the door. She said to Gordon, "Can you get them? I don't want them to fell out". Gordon corrected her and said, "it is fall out". Eden said, "fell...fall...what's the difference, it is okay."

We were getting ready to do scriptures with the kids and they were laying on the ground...that was all the invitation Russell needed. He quickly crawled over from the other side of the room and dive bombed Ella...yelling "AHHHH" while he was doing it. Then he went over to Eden and Gordon...same thing. We all were laughing so hard! I have been trying to get it on video for the past few days and I seem to always miss it. Soon!!
Whenever I pour milk into Russell's bottle he does a cute little squeal for joy then laughter...every time. So cute!
Russell is growing up so fast, and figuring things out very quickly. He was in the cart at Costco the other day and had a tissue in his hand. I looked at him and he put it up to his nose and made a loud blowing sound. Another day he followed me into the laundry room with a rag and started to clean the floor.
We were at Costco and Gordon come running over..."Mom, you have to try this are gonna love it!"
We love you all and hope you are having a great week!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I was doing the girls nails while the boys were at the Father and sons camp out (and Russell was sleeping). I was asking the girls if they wanted something painted on top of their nails. Like a flower or polka dots (I was thinking of easy things)..then Ella said, "Well you could paint a doll." I said "That is pretty hard."...then she said, "well you could do a cute little palm tree..or a rose...or a little person holding out their hand and then make sure you draw their feet." We settled on a stick figure on each of her ring fingers. :)
And while I was painting Eden's fingers she said,"Hey, lets tell jokes. I will go first.....What did the cat say to the Princess?....Wouldn't you like to marry me? ....but you can't because I am not human!"
At the Father and Sons Gordon and Taylor made a bow and arrow from string and sticks. It shoots really well. So if we every are stuck in the wilderness I am counting on my men to fasten a bow to we can eat ;)
Gordon is very into playing marbles. The actual game of marbles. (And don't worry we only play when Russell is sleeping and count them when we are done ;) )
Gordon lost another tooth. Brings his total to 8. And Russell is working on his first molar.
We love you all and hope everything is going well for each of you!


Ella in the car today was explaining to a friend.... (a certain word...I can't remember) means sweet, like the candy sweet...not like the love sweet.
Russell is such a little boy. I will put out my arms for him to crawl over and give me a hug and he will then he will dive bomb right into my lap and laugh. Then tonight he was crawling over to me and used my hair as a rope to scale up my back..again all the while laughing.
Russell was crawling into the bathroom (which is usually shut...he knows it is off limits) I quickly ran over to grab him and he looked up at me and said, "Mo Mo" while making the sign for More.

I was fixing dinner and had my back to the kids at the counter. I heard Ella who was playing with her pretend magical wand. She said, "bleeing...Russell is now a cute baby, bleeing Mom is now a nice Mom....bleeing Eden is a ballerina princess I can eat." Eden chimes in..."NO, not one you can eat!". Ella, "Okay fine...a ballerina princess I can not eat, bleeing. Bleeing...Gordon is now a boy that loves to do homework." I couldn't help it I was laughing out loud!
Russell uses pretty much whatever he can find to aid in his attempts to walk around the house. Typical "walker" helps are the garbage can, his high chair and a play shopping cart.
If I am laying on the ground on one side of the room and Russell is on the other and I say, "Russell I need a hug..." He will crawl over to my outstretched arms and lay his head in my hand for a min and then crawl up onto me and snuggle. It is one of my most favorite things. I love that he is such a cuddler!


Russell was crawling around the kitchen the other day and found his way over to the stove. Since we have the mini double stove the handle for the bottom oven is the perfect height for him. The music was playing and he was holding on his "personally ballet bar" and was dancing away looking at his reflection in the glass. I see that becoming a favorite spot in the kitchen.

The other day we were eating dinner and Eden said to the other kids..."Hey guys, Mom is not our servant or our....(long pause, then hesitantly said) or our snail? that's not right?....(then she was thinking) OH, mom is not our servant or our slave!"

Gordon has been on spring break all week. It has been so fun to have him home. The girls will miss having him around all morning! We have been doing puzzles, playing games, watching new movies, going to the park, and yesterday we made a pumpkin pie because it was "Pi Day" (3.14=March 14th) and we are going to Chuck-e-Cheese tonight with some friends. I think Spring Break has been a success!

We had a garage sale this past Saturday and the kids had a Kettle Corn and Lemonade Stand. I think they might have made more money than we did...(but don't feel bad for us, we actually were able to sell a few things on Craigslist) so it was a success for everyone.

Russell got hold of a pencil and I went over to try to take it from him and he snatched it back and looked up at me and said very clearly, "No". I should be upset, but he was so adorable when he did it I just laughed.

Taylor and Gordon were watching some youtube clips of kids doing a triathlon. They were watching the swimming portion and Gordon looked at Taylor and asked, "Is there always two boobies in triathlons?" Taylor knew immediately that Gordon was referring to the buoys, but he was laughing too hard to answer.

Tonight for dinner (for St. Patricks Day) we had green noodles, with green sauce and green steamed zucchini. Ella ate at least 4 or 5 bowls full of zucchini. She only ate a little bowl of noodles only because I asked her to. The other kids wouldn't try the zucchini. Ella was trying to convince them to try them throughout dinner... love my veggie girl!

Gordon had his first real skateboarding lesson (from Dad) this weekend. He is loving it, and don't worry grandma's he is wearing a helmet and gloves :)

Love you all! Hope your week was a fabulous one!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Eden was upstairs swinging in the loft and singing..."it feels like I am on a a roller-coaster....oh ya"

We were talking about everyone's middle names during lunch today and I was telling everyone their middle names. Then they asked "What is Russell's middle name?" I replied, "His name is Russell Condie Earl." Ella said, "Oh like the second half of Cotton is Condee...." :) That girl is always thinking.

This afternoon Ella looked at me and said, " are the best Mom ever....I am so glad that I got you!" Melt my heart!! So glad that I got that cute girl!

In the car the other day Ella said to Eden, "You need to keep your belt on because Heavenly Father knows everything and if you take it off He will sent the police!"

Gordon has chosen to have a "minute to win it" birthday party and tomorrow is the day. He couldn't be more excited! Picture of that to come soon :)

Russell is picking up things very quickly. He will pick up things off the ground like paper or other things he should not eat. He will hold it out and look up at me and shake his head no, no.... over and over again. It is so adorable!  He was also trying to play peek-a-boo with Taylor and I this morning while he was eating his breakfast. Basically anything he does right now I am so in love with. Such a fun age!!!

We were going upstairs for his nap this afternoon and he looked at the kids and said his version of "nigh-nigh", and waved. And I swear he called out Ella's name today. Again just love this age!

We love you all! Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Just a few for this past week ;) Love you all!

Taylor was tickling Russell this morning and then he looked over at Ella with his tickle fingers showing....Ella quickly said, "Don't tickle me!".....and then after a pause continued, "but you can give me a hug and kiss".

Yesterday we were web cam-ing with Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen and Russell was right up by the screen and was trying to honk Grandpa's nose and he was trying to play with Grandma's necklace...if only he really could reach through the screen!

I had some ladies over last night and there were some left over treats. So when the kids woke up this morning I told them they could choose a little cookie or a mini doughnut. Ella chose a cookie and Eden chose a doughnut. After taking one bite Ella said, "Oh Mom, there is peanut butter in this...I don't want it anymore, can I switch." I said okay. She then ate a doughnut. A few minutes later Ella came over and said, "Well Mom, I didn't want to be I ate my cookie too." I am not sure if she planned that from the beginning or not...but smart and sneaky either way.

Russell is growing up so fast. A few signs he can do now. Wave hi and bye, sign 'more' when he wants more of something. (not every time) but will sign 'finished' when he is done eating.He is also working on 'please'.  And he took me off guard today when I asked him something and he quickly replied "ya". Not sure if he meant it or not, but it still made me do a double take and realize he is becoming a little boy!


Gordon was dishing out a little sass today. He said to Ella, "Ella when I am talking you need to zip it, lock it, then put it in your pocket!" Then it quickly changed to the funny boy I know... "then when I am done you can UN-zip it, UN-lock it...and ....and pull it out, I guess " (with a big grin on his face) glad the sassy moment was short lived ;)

Ella was putting on a puppet show for some kids we were watching tonight. After she was done she came over to me and said, "Mom did you see that? When I was doing my show...I was making everyone laugh and I know I am not suppose to laugh, but I couldn't help it! I was too funny!"

I was watching lots of kids and everyone was playing in the loft. Russell was crawling around enjoying having so many kids to look at. I was sitting on the couch fixing a dress up dress, looking up occasionally to check on things. I was looking down sewing when I heard, "Look at Russell!" I looked up to see the cute little boy halfway up the side. That was quite a surprise! He has not even gotten good at pulling himself up on furniture let along up a slide. It was so fun. We all ran to be by his side and watch him. You could see the look in his face go from excitement to one that he was so proud of his accomplishment. Priceless!

It is now officially. Russell climbs up the stairs. It was quite a surprise when I found him half way up the first time after leaving him to crawl around for just a moment. He is FAST! And he can climb all the way up the slide now as well. I can not let that boy out of my sight ;)

I was checking things on the computer and Gordon was waiting patiently for me to be done. I said, "just give me a minute okay." Then all of the sudden he yelled out, "That's a minute!...I counted to 60" :)

Ellanor had her wedding party this weekend and it was so much fun. It was so fun to see her and all her friends dance around in their wedding dresses. When it was time for presents Ella was opening them and was being very polite and saying thank you to each guest after she opened them. Then she got an envelope from one of her friends and she opened it up to see $15 cash inside. She quickly stood up and went straight over to that friend and gave her a big hug. Everyone got thanked but the one who brought cash got the hug ;)

Such a fun week. I love this time of year with all the birthday's coming in a row. I love to throw parties and see my kids having so much fun. Gordon has requested a 'minute to win it' party. Stay tuned :) (And soon I will be updating the blog with pictures of the wedding party.)

From Grandma Nielsen: What a fun week!  I just have to add this from when you were here 9 days ago.  Ella, the fashion diva, looked at the necklace I wore to church and said, "That's a pretty necklace Grandma, where did you get it?"  I told her that Grandpa bought it for me when we were on our vacation last summer.  She looked at me and said, "What did you get for him?"  Good question Ella!  I need to be as thoughtful of Grandpa as he is of me. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Just a few for this week! Love you all!!!

We were up in the master bedroom looking out the window as Taylor was leaving for work. It had rained so the ground was all wet. As we watched him pull away Eden said, "Look it is Daddy's car's footprint!" (the dry area under the car was now exposed)

Eden asked me, "When do I have ballet?"
I responded "On Tuesday"
E: "Oh is that today?"
M: "No, today is Sat. Then Sunday, Monday THEN Tuesday."
E: "Then after Tuesday ballet is the next day Sat?"
M: "No, it goes Tues, Wed, Thurs., Fri, THEN Sat."
E: "Oh okay..then the next day we get to go see Jesus?" (with a big grin)

I was cutting up an apple for the kids and the knife got my finger. It surprised me so I gasped and quickly grabbed my finger. (Those cutco knifes are sharp!) The kids were eager to help. They went to get me a band-aid. After a few min. Eden came over and came really close to my face and said, "Mom...don't ever do that again! You scared me!"

While Russell was napping on Sunday afternoon I was able to squeeze in a nap myself. And when I opened my bedroom door after I had woken up Gordon was right there. And he said, "I knew you were awake!! I heard you on the thermometer!"


Better late than never ;) Sorry I missed at least one week...maybe more.

Eden said to Ella: "Don't mess with me. I'm not a toy....I'm a person!"

Eden was on the toilet the other morning and I overheard her singing a song. It was to the tune of Snow White's 'I'm wishing'. She was singing "I'm Wiping....I'm wiping...." (you could put together the rest of the lyrics on your own ;)

Ella came into my room and said, "Mom SOMEBODY broke your wasn't me and it wasn't Gordon...It was SOMEBODY."

Eden started ballet today. She did great! Ella also started in the longer evening class. She is really loving it and doing very well.

Russell is giving high fives. And my favorite thing is to hear him say, "Mama mama mama" while we are driving in the car.

I know I am missing loads of others. I need to make the resolve again to be better at writing them down.
Know that we love you all!!! Hope you are having a great week.

While doing scripture the other day, I said, and so this little girl hit her sister when she wouldn't give back the toy. Ella, what else could she have done besides hit her?"  She thought for a while and said, "well, it seems like hitting her it the best way."
We were at the store watching a video that was part of a marketing stand for a hi-def video camera. A sports car came on the screen and was shown zooming around.  Ella: "A sport's car.  You could get to a dance party super fast with one of those." It took me a second to register this comment. I stopped and asked her if that's what she said.  "Yep," she replied.


This morning I saw Eden playing with two pencils and animating them as if they were people. They were talking to each other and I overheard her pencils conversation. "Hello, how are you...oh look it is baby Jesus...say hello" Then my phone started to ring and she quickly worked that into the dialog. It was a simple thing this morning, but was fun to listen in. :)

I can't remember if I wrote about this one or not...the last day of school before Thanksgiving break I was picking up the kids from school and Gordon climbed into the car looking rather sad. I asked him what was wrong...and then the tears he had been holding back came out and he explained that he was busy cleaning up his desk and he did not get his Thanksgiving hug from his teacher Ms. Wednt. It melted my heart. So I told him that I would pull over and he could run back and get his hug. When he got back to the car he told me, "Mom, it was so great. I made her smile and guess what? She even gave me two hugs!"  He is such a sweet boy! 
Ella asked me today, "Mom is there a baby in your belly?" I replied, "No, not right now". She then said, "Well when you do I hope it is a girl...I will call her Pretty." I asked, "What if it is a boy?" She thought for a moment and then said, "If it is a boy, I will call him Sparky!".

Ella was telling Eden. "Jesus loves EVERYONE!, He loves Chinese people, Asian people, African people...He even loves Tori" (Tori is one of the girls friends)

Russell loves to roll his R's. It makes me smile every time I catch him doing it.

We had a blast being at Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen's house this past week and playing with cousins. Everyone had a playmate and they were entertained for hours. We already miss everyone. 

Russell's teeth count is now up to 8! And he loves to munch on bread and is this boy growing up so fast! And this past week he started to clap his hands.

updated the blog. check it out.

Love you all!!


Eden's new phrase is "What's a my heck is that?" Not one we will be keeping...but it is cute when she says it.

Ella today in the car asked, "Mom do I have 'the shock'?" I wasn't sure what she meant so I asked her. Her response was..."You know 'the shock'...look at me Mom, is my hair sticking up? If it is then I have 'the shock'!"

Gordon recited his poem today and did a wonderful job! I am so proud of him. This was the poem he recited (which he will be doing at the Earl Family Christmas Party as well):
"What I should like"
On Christmas Eve I like to lie,
Awake, when stars are in the sky.
And listen to the sound that swells,
From Santa Claus' jingle bells.

I'd like to hear upon the roof,
The patter of each tiny hoof.
Of Santa's reindeer overhead,
When I am sung and warm in bed.

But Mama says I must not lie,
Awake, or he will pass me by.
He does not like the girls or boys,
To watch him when he brings the toys.

I think I better go to sleep,
I guess the presents all will keep.
And in the morning I shall be,
Glad to think I did not see.

I overheard Gordon in the car the other day reluctantly sharing some of his candy and saying to Ella, "There Ella...I am sharing...see, I have the Christmas Spirit!"

Tonight over dinner Gordon was telling the girls about how they have hung up stockings in their classroom at school and then Santa came to their class today. Ella quickly said, "Well you know he is not real". Gordon replied, "I know he is not real Ella....but I am choosing to believe in Santa Clause".


I was in the house looking out to the backyard where the kids were playing. I made the sign language sign for 'I love you' to Ella. She got a big smile and looked away. I could tell she was trying to think about how to do it back...she looked back at me so I did it again for her. Then with a giant smile she held up her hand high and proud showing me her thumb, pinky, and ring finger :)

Russell was sitting in his highchair eating his food taking breaks every now and then to blow raspberries on the side of his tray.

Russell is not technically crawling but he can get places if he really wants to. We were up in the girls room and he was at one end of the room and saw the giant Mickey at the other end of the room. He started rolling and rolling and rolling until he rolled right into the closet door. He even surprised himself. So fun to watch ;)

Last night was our Relief Society Christmas Dinner. And Gordon was able to sing as one of the "angels" for all the ladies. He was so great. And smiling ear to ear as he sang Silent Night.

At our ward Christmas Party Gordon was Joseph, Ella was an angel, and Eden was a sheep. They all had a wonderful time singing and acting out the Nativity. I just wish I had remembered my camera!

Russell is working on another tooth...that will bring his total to 6.

We love you all and hope that each of you are enjoying this holiday season!


Pretty sure I missed this past week. It is hard to remember to write things down with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays...and mid week this week I got sick :( So just a couple this time. Love you all!

I was feeding Russell Pears for the first time last night. In between every bite he would smack his little lips and then open wide for the next spoonful. It reminded me of What About Bob...mmmmm! Can't get enough ;)

Gordon was playing up stairs on the stage and I noticed that he had gotten all the chairs and put them down on their sides and placed them together to make little tunnels to crawl through. Then I noticed he had the Bumbo (the little baby chair) loaded with jumbo blocks. I watched him crawl around for a bit, then he came over and said to me, "See Mom I am a hamster and that (pointing to the Bumbo chair) is my food dish...pretty cool huh?!" I love their imaginative play, so creative!

I went into get Russell out of his crib this morning and not feeling well I was crawling in and talking to him. He was cooing like crazy. Then I looked over the edge and his blanket was covering his eyes. I pulled it off still talking to him. He had a huge grin on his face with his eyes shut tight. It was too bright to look at me. So he and I chatted a bit with his eyes closed. Then he finally opened his eyes and smiled even bigger, if that was possible ;) Love that kid!

This morning I was telling Taylor that my ab muscles are sore from coughing. Eden was sitting next to me and said.."Mom did you just say, 'animals?' with a very confused look on her face. Made me giggle...which also made my ab muscles sore :) but that time worth it!!


A couple of days late ;)

During scriptures tonight I looked over at Eden was was laying on the ground intensely listening. Then I saw her stick out her tongue to try to touch her was harder than she thought, she tried some more and then gave up and grabbed her tongue in her fingers and pulled it up until she reached her nose. Then she had a smile of accomplishment. A priceless moment I am glad I glanced over at her at just the right moment :)

Ella has already decided that her next birthday party is going to be a "married party" which I think I have mentioned before. I actually thought that maybe the idea would be lost and a new idea found. I thought it would be short lived and she would want a squinkie party or a hello kitty party (she has also mentioned before) But the married party is gonna be it I think. She talks about it just about everyday. And last night I saw the girls playing "wedding". Ella was explaining to Eden..."Eden stand back and then I throw the flowers and you try to catch them."  "I am going to have a boy and girl on the top of my cake kissing on the lips...and it is okay because they are married." "You stand over there and I am going to walk around here like this". I am not sure where this little girl is getting all of her ideas but she has loads of them. I then asked her, "When you get married in real life where do you want to get married?" She quickly replied, "THE TEMPLE!" Thanks my girl!

Russell's two top teeth broke through and will be fully in probably by Thanksgiving. It is going to make him look like such a big boy. I love that kid so much! I love just snuggling him.

Russell is also now able to sit up all on his own. Last night the kids put on a puppet show and I sat him on the ground to watch. It was so fun to watch from a distance and see how grown up he is becoming. It is going so fast!

Eden said pointing at a little blue speck on the kitchen floor, "What is that?" I replied, "I don't know". She quickly said back, "It taste like a lollipop!" After a few more questions I did figure out that yes indeed she had previously licked it. Awesome ;)

Last night when Taylor was putting Gordon to bed he asked him, "How long do you think you will sleep with your Monkey boy?" (his stuffed monkey). Gordon replied, "Well probably until I am 16...well no, when I am a Dad!"

Tonight I was making pizza for dinner and some cinnamon breadsticks. I was spreading the butter on the dough and Ella said, "Butter is not good by itself..but it is when it is on things." Gordon said, "I like to eat butter plain, I think it is good." I said, "I know and that is gross!" Then there was a pause and Gordon then said, "I know...sometimes I accidentally eat... (I thought he was going to say butter..then he said) sand." I couldn't help myself I laughed out loud. Gordon did too. We had a great time making pizza and being together tonight! I love my kids!!!


Sorry a couple day late sending this one out :)

We have been listening to some Christmas music here and there and 'Santa Baby' has been playing occasionally. During the song Ella looked a bit confused and said, "Mom...Santa is not a Baby...he has white hair and a beard...he is old, not a baby." How right she is ;)

We were discussing good ideas of things to get different people for Christmas and Ella said, "I have a good idea for a gift for Russell. You can get him some fake hair so that he can pull on it as much as he likes and it wont hurt anyone..he could even eat it if he wants." She makes me giggle...always thinking!

Gordon made the Honor Roll at school. He is doing such great things. It is so fun to see him grow and progress. I am a proud Mama!

Eden is my first one who is all about wearing a particular outfit over and over again....I need to watch her. If we are getting ready to go out, even if she is already in another outfit, she will run up and put on her week favorite outfit. She put it on again today right before we had our home teachers over...I need to steal it away so it can get a good wash :)

Russell's two top front teeth look to have started to break the gums. It is only a matter of days now I am sure.

Love you excited for the holidays for lots of reasons but a big one is seeing family!!Can't wait!


Ella said, "guess what!?! noses are kinda like 'M's...see" and then she outlined her nose making a little 'm'. Always thinkin' that girl :)

Eden came over to me the other day with the sleeping beauty baby doll and was balancing her out on her hands. And said look Mom!! (that is how Taylor holds Russell while he is balancing him)

We went to a polo match yesterday (not water polo..a real polo match). It was really interesting to see what the atmosphere at a polo game is like. I think I was expecting it to be more casual. Most ladies were in nice dresses with hats and the gentlemen were in sports coats. The horses were beautiful and the field was so green. We found a spot in the shade for our blanket, it was such a relaxing wonderful afternoon. Gordon had a highlight. We were sitting down by one of the goals and the ball came right near us. Gordon grabbed it and ran it back to the referee. You could tell he felt pretty special!--pictures on the blog,

Gordon is reciting his second poem tomorrow morning at school. He knows it inside and out. I can't believe he is growing up so quickly! I love that little boy so much!!

Russell can almost sit up all on his own without falling over. He does well for awhile and then lean for something and tumble over. Soon he will be an independent sitter. He will be 7 months in about a week...WOW time has just flown by!

Gordon lost his other front tooth. (picture on the blog too ;) )

We love you all and hope you have had a wonderful week!


We had Vince's Spaghetti while we were visiting my parents and Ella said in excitement... "Look I have little Neat-balls in my sauce!" I think they are pretty neat too :)

Gordon and Ella did a great job on the Primary program. They both were so reverent the whole time. It was a joy to see their beautiful little faces sing the Primary songs. Gordon's class sang one song up by the microphone. Gordon just happened to be front and center and he sang his little heart out at the top of his lungs, it was priceless! (the song was "I'm trying to be like Jesus.") Gordon also had his part memorized. He was looking quite handsome in his suit with his bow tie. And Ella choose her outfit and how she wanted me to do her hair, in a braid crown ;) And after church G & G Earl came to have dinner with us, a wonderful Sunday!

Today for lunch we were making grilled cheese sandwiches. I asked Eden if she would like a grilled cheese sandwich...she looked at me and said, "no, I want a boy one...not a girl cheese" :)

Eden goes around the house pretty much everyday in our dress-up wedding dress. She has worn it so much that the sleeves are no longer connected to the dress portion. And do worry, she always has a bouquet in her hand as well. :)

Russell had his 6 month check up. He is just barely under 18 pounds and 28 1/2 inches long. The Dr. said he is very tall and thin for his age. Not a shocker ;) She also said, "he really is such a perfect baby!" I agree.

Taylor came home a little early yesterday and was able to eat dinner with us. All of the kids were so excited to have him home! (me too!!) And then we went out to get the front lawn ready to re-seed. The kids all helped scoop all the old grass into bags, swept the walk, and road their bikes around too. Then Taylor, the amazing Dad he is, took the opportunity to talk to the kids about the parable of the seed. How we prepared the ground and how we need to be spiritually prepared. The kids were so attentive. I love you honey! Thanks for being so wonderful ;)

We love you all and hope that things are going well for each of you! I know awhile back I had asked for each of you to send me a story back every now and then, short or long, from your childhood (or anytime really) that we could tell the kids. I think they would love to hear stories about you when you were their age. I would love to hear them too....and then I can include them in the next book I make of the grandparents journals so we will have them always :)

Love you!!


Ella asked me, "Mom where is your death?" I wasn't sure what she meant. I asked her to clarify. She said, "Mom, where is your death...point to it on your body."....still not sure what she means :)

Eden has been wearing her ballerina outfit pretty much everyday this week and kicking her legs behind her when she walks everywhere. She can't wait to start ballet lesson next year! (she wants to be just like her big sister)

Russell started eating rice cereal. He loves it! Still trying to get use to it so it is not a huge mess every night....but we are embracing it. I let the kids help, lots of cereal everywhere but lots of laughs and smiles too ;)

I got the craft box out the other night and the kids have had a blast with it the last couple of days. They never get board of gluing and cutting. I am quite impressed with their crafty abilities.

Taylor and I decided just last night that we are going to take the kids to Sea World...TOMORROW! We are so excited....we haven't told them yet, it is going to be wonderful!

Not a lot of funny moments this week...well, not any I have written down..they happened for sure, just slipped from my memory. :) Hope next week I am better at writing them down.

Love you all!!!


Today we went to the Dollar Tree and on the big letter sign on the front of the building Ella noticed something in one of the letter. She said, "Mom look there is a Scorpion living in the 'E' on the sign." I said, "How do you know it is a scorpion?" She replied, "I can see it's tail hanging down." I tried to explain that it probably wasn't a scorpion because they would be too small to see from where we were out in the parking lot. She looked up at me and said, "Mom, I can see it because I eat my carrots!" (we tell our kids that eating carrots will help their eye site ;) ) made me giggle. And just so you don't think there is a giant scorpion living near our house...we got closer and she looked up and said, "oh it is a branch hanging down for a birds nest probably." :)

Russell's first tooth broke through today. Hurray! Hopefully the poor little guy will be able to get some good naps in now. When it comes in more we will take a picture of him with his pearly white and send it off ;)

Ella is taking ballet. And her teacher has told me before about her wonderful ability to point her toes. She told me that again today and went on to say that Ella is a wonderful dancer. She said she has a gift, a natural born talent. She was impressed with how aware she is of how her body moves. She thinks if she sticks with it she will be a wonderful dancer! Made her Mama proud! :)

Gordon got a book from the library yesterday, an early reader chapter book. He finished it before bed. Then tonight I let him read in bed before bed and he finished another early reader chapter book! Make me so happy that he is loving reading. He is growing up so fast!

Today at lunch Ella was telling me how she wants her next birthday party to be a 'wedding party'. And then Eden quickly said, "I want my next party to be a CHEEEEESSSE party". That girls would eat cheese all day long if I let her! And she asks to do so pretty much all day. She makes me laugh :)

Eden put on her footy pajamas on inside out tonight. I told her what she had done. (I was concerned that she would not be able to get them off quickly if she needed to go to the bathroom)...she said, "I know Mom...I did it like this on purpose. I can get out lickity split!"

Updated the blog again...if you need an invite let me know ;)

Love you all!!


The other night Ella said the bedtime prayers and in part of her prayer she said, "bless Dad to be safe...and Russell to be able to sleep so that Mom can get her rest". After the prayer was done she had a big smile on her face and said, "Did you like that Mom?" I replied, "That was a great prayer, I loved how you prayed for others it shows them you love them." She said, "...but what was your favorite part?? was it when I said so you can rest?" yes it was!! And the best thing about it is her prayer was answered quickly. Russell has not been sleeping well for the last two weeks and that night he slept from 7:30 until 5:30. Love it!!..Is it wrong to ask her to prayer for that every time it is her turn? :)

We were in the car getting the kids from school today and I hear Ella ask from the back seat..."Mom, how many skins do we have?" I wasn't sure what she meant. She asked again. I replied, "Well we have layers of skin, is that what you mean?" Then she looked out the window and said, "I knew it...layers. I think we have 3..yes 3 layers of skin!" She is always thinking.

I had Gordon's first parent/teacher conference yesterday. And his teacher Ms. Wendt thinks Gordon is great. She said that they even play basketball together during recess. He is doing well in school and she said, "he is such a joy to have in class."


The other night Ella said the bedtime prayers and in part of her prayer she said, "bless Dad to be safe...and Russell to be able to sleep so that Mom can get her rest". After the prayer was done she had a big smile on her face and said, "Did you like that Mom?" I replied, "That was a great prayer, I loved how you prayed for others it shows them you love them." She said, "...but what was your favorite part?? was it when I said so you can rest?" yes it was!! And the best thing about it is her prayer was answered quickly. Russell has not been sleeping well for the last two weeks and that night he slept from 7:30 until 5:30. Love it!!..Is it wrong to ask her to prayer for that every time it is her turn? :)

We were in the car getting the kids from school today and I hear Ella ask from the back seat..."Mom, how many skins do we have?" I wasn't sure what she meant. She asked again. I replied, "Well we have layers of skin, is that what you mean?" Then she looked out the window and said, "I knew it...layers. I think we have 3..yes 3 layers of skin!" She is always thinking.

I had Gordon's first parent/teacher conference yesterday. And his teacher Ms. Wendt thinks Gordon is great. She said that they even play basketball together during recess. He is doing well in school and she said, "he is such a joy to have in class."