Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Pretty sure I missed this past week. It is hard to remember to write things down with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays...and mid week this week I got sick :( So just a couple this time. Love you all!

I was feeding Russell Pears for the first time last night. In between every bite he would smack his little lips and then open wide for the next spoonful. It reminded me of What About Bob...mmmmm! Can't get enough ;)

Gordon was playing up stairs on the stage and I noticed that he had gotten all the chairs and put them down on their sides and placed them together to make little tunnels to crawl through. Then I noticed he had the Bumbo (the little baby chair) loaded with jumbo blocks. I watched him crawl around for a bit, then he came over and said to me, "See Mom I am a hamster and that (pointing to the Bumbo chair) is my food dish...pretty cool huh?!" I love their imaginative play, so creative!

I went into get Russell out of his crib this morning and not feeling well I was crawling in and talking to him. He was cooing like crazy. Then I looked over the edge and his blanket was covering his eyes. I pulled it off still talking to him. He had a huge grin on his face with his eyes shut tight. It was too bright to look at me. So he and I chatted a bit with his eyes closed. Then he finally opened his eyes and smiled even bigger, if that was possible ;) Love that kid!

This morning I was telling Taylor that my ab muscles are sore from coughing. Eden was sitting next to me and said.."Mom did you just say, 'animals?' with a very confused look on her face. Made me giggle...which also made my ab muscles sore :) but that time worth it!!

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