Monday, November 28, 2016


Love you all!!! Hope you are having a wonderful week ;)

When Evalyn sneezes she double sneezes every time....I just think it is adorable :)
If Taylor starts singing "If you're happy and you know it..." Russell can not resist. He will clap his hands and stomp his feet every time.
Ella got her tonsils out and has been a trooper. And she is getting another set of molars at the same time.
Gordon got his first set of stitches. He was at our friends the Peterson's house swimming in their pool. He slipped and fell in the pool. On the way in his face it a corner that had chipped so it sliced his cheek. He was so brave at the urgent care while they were examining it and sewing him up. He thought it was pretty cool. He couldn't wait to show his friends. We went to get the stitches removed yesterday and the nurse asked if he wanted to keep them. He said with a big smile...YES!
I made some kettle corn for a party the girls were going to and Russell wanted a taste. So I got a little bowl for him. He didn't seem to happy and I wasn't sure why. I finally realizes that he was waiting for a spoon to eat his popcorn.
There was a car accident while we were driving the other day. I was explaining what that meant to the girls. That when two cars run into each other, that is a car accident. Ella then said..."you know, cars are made out of metal....and....if you put them in a microwave they would burn."  Eden..."that would be a really big microwave!"

From Grandma Earl:
Always so cute.  I remember when Russell was getting his diaper changed, Taylor started singing “If you’re happy and you know it . . . ” and Russell was right there giving claps and other actions at the right time even though he was on his back.  He gets cuter and cuter every time I see him.  I love this age.  He finally liked me on this last trip.  Bring him back before he forgets.  

Gordon is such a perfect “oldest of the kids.”  He doesn’t boss them around like they are his servants.  He really is kind to them.  Of all the grandkids, Gordon is the one that loves playing games with me.  I think all of the grandkids will play, but sometimes they want to quit half way through the game.  Gordon is ready to play the minute he walks in the door.  And will play for a long time.  I love our games of pool.  He is really a good little player.  I bent the rules this last time, because I felt so bad for Ella not being allowed in the room while we played.  She wasn’t feeling good and she felt so left out.  Then of course she forgot and put her hands on the pool table and the ball smashes for fingers.  She understands the reason for the rule now.  But what a lousy way to learn it, especially when she didn’t feel good.  

Everything is the domino effect when it comes to my house.  Julie and Dan have to move into a home (not my home) and take their mattress.  Then Cameron needs to move from that room into his own room (not in my home.)  Then I can get the wall beds put in with the tables that come down.  Then we’ll have a grandkids sleeping/game room.  I have already started getting things for the walls.  I hope I still like them by the time I use them.  I already have another idea for the future.  How cute would it be to have a scrabble board on the ceiling with words like family, love, happy etc., or names of the family.  The only bad thing about that would be I couldn’t use everyone’s name.  Then I thought I could decorate the walls with old wooden game boards like checkers, Chinese checkers, Parcheesi etc.

That little Evalyn is the cutest baby ever.  She is such a smiler.  She even waits for you to look at her when she is far across the room.  Then she does the smile and look away.  I never get tired of that.  

I love watching Ella and Eden play together.  Who wouldn’t love to have a sister close in age who is also a friend.  It will be fun to watch them as they grow up and turn into two really beautiful girls.

I love watching you mother.  You are very loving and patient beyond belief.  You are the mother I wished I had been.  

I love you with all my heart.  Thanks for marrying my Taylor.



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