Wednesday, May 23, 2012


While we were eating lunch Ella said, "I had a dream with you in it, Laura. You were in a bathtub full of applesauce and trying to eat it all!" What an imagination she has.....

If you want to check out a picture of last weeks Bird that Gordon made check out our blog.

I remember my Mom telling me that she was able to get Christmas gifts for us while we were at the store with her. I could never understand how that was possible. Well I did it the last two days in a row...there are so many things for them to look at that they are pretty easily distracted. I think I am all done Christmas shopping!!! Yahoo :) And I didn't even need to find a babysitter!!

We were listening to the Christmas radio the other day and the song, "All I want for Christmas is You" came on. Ella looked at me and said, "Mom I don't like this song!" I asked why...she said, "she is talking about how she doesn't care about the presents or the tree...WE care about those things right!?!" I tried to explain to her that she was singing about how she loved people MORE than the presents or the tree. She thought about it for a min and then said, "Oh, okay. So she likes the tree and presents too".

Gordon and Taylor went to a charity dinner party while I was gone. And Taylor asked Gordon to go in his room and choose a few toys that he would like to give to other kids that don't have a lot of toys. And the first toy that he went to give away was his Star wars Storm trooper gun. We were both very impressed with that quick decision. We know he likes that toy and it is one that all of his friends when they come over love to play with. He then continued to choose a few other toys.  I asked him the other day 'What is Christmas about'....he replied, "It is about baby Jesus and about giving to people". Feels good that he is starting to really grasp the true spirit of Christmas :)

When I was in Utah for the past few days I called to talk to the kids and when I was talking to Gordon I was asking him about his day and what he had been up to...then at the end of the conversation I said, "well I love you so much!" And he said, " this MOM!?!" He thought I was Alison the whole time :)

Ella and Eden are really getting quite good at memorizing a lot of words to many of the Christmas songs. I would have to say the one chorus they sing during the day the most is 'Last Christmas I Gave you My heart...the very next day you gave it away. This year to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special'. Rodolph, Jingle Bells, and Silent Night are runners up. But I would have to say my favorite to listen to is Feliz Navidad. They have a very cute rendition.

We love you all! And are so excited to be able to see most of you at this most wonderful time of the year :)
Stay tuned for our 12 Days of Christmas Service activities.

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