Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Gordon was practicing the pledge of allegiance the other night and at the end he said, 'and eternal life for all' ...I like his version better ;)

Eden was in the bathroom with me the other day while I was getting ready and she was belting out all of the words to 'Part of your World' from Little Mermaid. She has never seen it...but we hear it on pandora a lot and it stuck. :) It is actually Eden and Ella's favorite new tune to sing. And they really do know pretty much all the words.

Ella started ballet and went to class for the second time this week. She can't get enough of it. She came home singing the songs and showing me the positions...looks like she was ready :)

I went in for my 3-D ultra sound this past week hoping to get a glimpse of this little boy...and he is shy and/or difficult. He had wedged his cute little head right into the side of my hip bone and would not move even with lots of poking and prodding. He was just as comfy as could be and was not smiling for the camera at all. The tech thought she could at least get some cute pictures of his hands or feet...but his hands were shoved up right by his face tucked away... and he had managed to cram his feet up and under my rib cage, also out of range for a good picture. Alas, no (3-D) photos yet...but a healthy baby so I am one happy Mama!

We started a new tradition. We have started a countdown to Valentines Day. I found a cute little mail box so each morning the kids wake up to mail in this little box along with a fun surprise. Each day Mom and Dad tell them a reason why we love them and then there is also a way listed for them to show others their love. It has been really fun! And hopefully it will help let the kids know how very much we love them and also teach them how important it is to show our love to others. :) 

Speaking of LOVE...know that we love each of you very much! Sending all our love!

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