Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Ella came over to me the other day and said, "Here are baby Russell's table clothes" she handed me a burb cloth. Close enough right :)

ALL of the kids LOVE Russell to death....and the girls might actually love him to death :) They give him kisses and loves all the time. I need to be around whenever they are in the same room just because they might smoother him with love....a problem I can totally handle :)

We were sitting in the front room the other day and Eden pulled out the mini hymn book and looked at Ella and said, "Time for scriptures...Ella, what did the Laminites do?" Then she asked Grandma the same question and me. She lead a great discussion.

Gordon lost another tooth! That makes his count to four. But with everything being a little out of our routine Taylor and I had forgotten a couple night in a row to put the dollar under his pillow and take his tooth. Then on the third day I woke up to a green post-it note on my bedroom door which Gordon had written "Tooth Fairy ???" I felt bad...but was also laughing out loud. I gave him his money and apologized.  And then when Taylor woke up he too saw the note and was going to give Gordon his dues as well.....I caught him in time and told him I had taken care of it. The kid almost got double paid :)

At the hospital when Russell was born he "brought" the kids gifts. The girls got little baby dolls that have little shirts that say "Little brother". They both call their dolls their 'baby Russell doll'. Gordon got a light saber. And Russell asked him to watch his light saber until he is big enough to play with him. So Taylor and Gordon have had some light saber battles already :)

Today on out way home from my Dr. Appointment Ella was whining and complaining about something. Then I hear Eden say, "Are you going to talk to her when we get home.....because I am not a Mom."

We will all be sad to say goodbye to Grandma Nielsen! It has been WONDERFUL having her here!!!

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