Thanksgiving was so much fun! Thanks again to G&G Nielsen for letting us come. And we loved seeing everyone! We miss you already!
Another fact that Ella is a girly girl. If she is in her high chair, sitting on the couch or floor, if I am holding her, in her car seat, on the swing, even while she is sleeping... She is always crossing her ankles. She looks so famine when she does it.
Last night Gordon was talking with Eden and making her smile. Then he looked at me and said, "Mom did you hear what Eden said? She said that I was the best Gordon boy ever." Then he looked down at her and said to Eden "is that what you said Eden". He looked at me again and said, "she said yes, mom".
Taylor put on a puppet show for the kids last night. One of the characters he used was a turtle. He made him Crush the turtle from Finding Nemo. There is a fun interactive show at Disneyland that we have seen a few times. Well after the puppet show it was time for Ella to go to bed. Gordon stays up a little later. He decided that he wanted to put on a puppet show. He did a great job! He was mimicking various things that Taylor had done. But my favorite was when he brought out Crush the turtle and said "You so totally rock! DUDE". What a cutie.
Ella has been saying "hold you" when she wants us to hold her. Rather than saying 'hold me'. We have been working on it and now she says it correctly, but when she does I laugh every time. The way she says it is what kills me. She will say hold normal and then me it load and much higher tone. (if any of you have seen the Disney movie Tarzan it is exactly like the part when Tarzan yells "can we walk").
Eden is becoming a more regular bowel baby and that is making her one happy camper. She is so content all the time now it is fabulous. I am already forgetting how much she cried in the beginning.
During the Thanksgiving break we were all sleeping in the same room and in the morning (very early) Ella would see us and in excitement say,"I awake" and throw her arms up into the air. Now also when it is nap time she will look at us and say "I awake".
We love you all!!!!
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