Friday, October 21, 2011


I have been wondering what Eden is going to love playing with. Gordon loves cars and Ella loves dolls, shoes anything girly. I wondered if she will be influenced by her siblings. So the other day I was watching her. She crawled over to the big box full of cars with excitement. I thought she may like to play cars with Gordon, but then I saw her start to dig through the box and she grabbed out the little race car drivers. One by one she pulled them out and held as many as she could. She was loving these little 'dolls'. Good try Gordon but it looks like she will be following Ella's lead. :)

We were playing out at the "running grass" the other night. We were having a great time playing and then a cicada bug started to make it's loud noise. I was trying to explain what it was to Gordon and then another one began to chime in. And at that moment Gordon began to scream and came running down the hill toward me. At first I thought he was afraid of the bug, but then his scream turned into a fearful and 'I'm in pain' scream. I picked him up trying to calm him down. And then I realized why he was concerned. I got bit by a fire ant. Then I realized that Gordon got about 10 bites on his arm. Pour guy. He was strong though. He did not cry. I have always wondered what it would feel like to get bitten by a fire ant...and now I, and Gordon, will no longer need to wonder.

I was putting Eden to bed and I was trying to use her little pillow to block her view of my escape. She let is stay there for maybe 10 seconds before she raised her head grabbed the pillow and placed under her head and plopped down.

It rained tonight so we let the kids run out and stomp in the puddles and run around. They all loved it! I thought it would be fun for Taylor to look out the window out at the kids playing in the rain. I yelled up to him once and then Ella was yelling up at the window over and over again, "Tay-la, Tay-la" at the top of her lungs...and Eden chimed in with "da-da". And to end the fun we were able to see a rainbow. May sound silly but a little tender mercy for me. :)

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