Friday, October 21, 2011


The other morning I was looking for Ella and I hear some singing in coming from Grandma's room. I go back there and find Stephen, my nephew, and Ella sitting in the middle of the shower. Stephen is holding the toilet plunger and strumming it like a guitar. Ella has a shampoo bottle and singing into it like a microphone. I started laughing so hard. Creative little band they have going.

I was changing Ella's diaper the other day and she was singing a tune. And I realized that she was singing the opening song to a show that Gordon has been watching lately. Bob the builder. She is actually very good at carrying a tune.

One of Gordon's new phrases to say is "your killin' me" (both Grandma Earl and I say it....)

Gordon has really become a big boy and such a big helper. If I am trying to get Ella to come and she is dilly-dallying Gordon will go over to her and get right behind her and gently hold her shoulders and guide her to where she needs to be.

Gordon has also started to say when he points to things "Okay see...follow my finger" (another phrase he must hear often)

Again I have not written down all the cute things they have done this week, unfortunately. But take my word for it, we have two cute kids!

Love you all!

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