It is December already. Wow how time flies. We love this time of year. So many fun things to do and getting to see family. And most important of all we get to reflect and think more about our Savior and his humble birth. I really do love this time of year!
Eden was sitting in her bouncer chair and Gordon ran over to the tree, grabbed a jingle bell, ran back to her side and started shaking the bell while singing her 'Jingle Bells' over and over and over again. What a cutie getting into the Christmas Spirit.
Eden loves to stick out her tongue. It is so cute. Se also is a little jabber mouth. If you get eye contact she will talk up a storm and laugh. She is such a happy kid, and it make me so happy!
The other morning I looked over at Gordon and said "No sir-ee Bob". He stopped what he was doing and with a look of 'how could you forget' said, "Mom, I not Bob...I Gordon!"
Taylor was sitting at the kitchen table and leaning back in his chair so only two chair legs were touching the ground. Ella was very concerned. She ran over and started pushing the chair back so it would have four legs on the ground while saying "You are gonna fall Daddy!" As we all know it is more comfortable to lean back in your chair. So after Ella got distracted Taylor did it again. And our little Ella ran back and did it again. Then she waited by his side. Every time he would lean she would push the chair back down saying "You are gonna fall Daddy"
We go to Disneyland every other Friday. We get Taylor from work a little early and drive down. So on the drive Taylor works. This past Friday the kids were getting a little restless in the car. We were trying everything. We kept saying to them, you need to be quieter so Daddy can work. (this phrase repeated many times in a short time span). They did calm down for a bit and then Gordon started to sing a song from one of his toys. And Taylor said, "Gordon are you singing the 'ears they help me hear this song' song?" To which Gordon replied, "You're working, remember!" Kids do say the darnedest things :)
We love you all!
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