Friday, October 21, 2011


Ella went to the bathroom and came out and said, "Look Mom, when my pants are down I look like a penguin".

Cameron was helping me with computer stuff today and he was doing things on my machine remotely. So my mouse was moving without me doing anything. I was explaining to Gordon that Cameron was doing it. He thought that was really funny. And then what we were trying to figure out for awhile Cameron was able to do right away so I said something like, "Oh of course it works for the first time for Cameron." Gordon looked over at me and said,"Mom, it is because Cameron is smarter than you, huh?" I replied, "Yes he is!" :)

Gordon fish Firetruck died last week so we went to the pet store and picked up another fish for him. This time we thought we would try a Telescope Goldfish. Gordon has named him Tigger. :)

The Hulberts came to visit us for their spring break this weekend and we didn't tell the kids they were coming. They got in very late on Thursday night so we just put the Hulbert kids to sleep in the kids room so when they woke up in the morning they saw them. It was a really fun way to surprise them...and they LOVED it! They have been going non-stop every since. :)

Eden seems to be able to give just as good as a crusty as Ella could at this age. Every time she does it you know she is trying to be mad but I giggle every time because she is just so dang cute!

Late night Gordon fell asleep on the couch and then Riley came over and fell asleep on Gordon, we got a picture of it, hilarious! :)

Life is good, we love you all!

We love you all!!

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