Friday, October 21, 2011


Can't believe Ella will be one tomorrow! This year has flown by!


We keep a basket of blankets out by the tv and Ella loves to pull them all out lay on them and bury her head in therm. Of course with her cute little bum in the air :)

Gordon and Taylor play Mario Cart together every now and then (a car video game). So now when we are in the car he says, "Mom go faster go faster!"

Gordon is still an early riser and Taylor has been awesome and getting up with Gordon lately so I can sleep in a bit. I came out the other morning and Taylor was laying on the couch. Gordon and I were getting breakfast and he stopped, got down, ran over to get his favorite blankie and put it on Taylor and patted his back softly. Then came back to the table to finish eating. :)

Last week I told you that Gordon referred to himself as Superman. Well this week he said "mom I am Spiderman" I really don't know where he is hearing about all of these superheros. We never talk about them. Then that night Taylor and I were putting Gordon to bed and I was telling Taylor what had happened. Then Taylor looked at Gordon and said "who is Spiderman?" and as quickly as Gordon could he pulled his arms out to his sides into the 'web-making position' and started pointing and shooting with sound effects. Both Taylor and I were in shock! Nursery is our only guess.

Ella was falling asleep the other night and Gordon was out in the family room playing with a toy that plays music. After a few mins Ella started crying a little bit and then Gordon stopped and said "OH, Ella is awake because this toy is too loud" How considerate!

We love you all!!!

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