Friday, October 21, 2011


This week we went down to an outdoor mall in Century City and one of the stores we went into was the BOSE store. We had one of the sales men give us the presentation and as he was talking to us the kids were just rompin' around the store. Ella was walking close to the salesman and she tripped and fell. She thought that the 'new man' had something to do with it (which he did not, she fell on her own) She got up from the ground and gave the salesman the biggest crusty we have ever seen. Wow that little girls facial expressions. She doesn't have a lot of words yet, but she can sure talk with her face! (ps the sales rep thought it was hilarious)

Gordon went to go get Ella after she woke up from her nap. As I came in I saw Ella pointing at the ground (where her pacifier was) saying 'that, that'. Gordon thought she was saying 'dad,dad' so Gordon started to explain to Ella. "No Ellanor, Dad is at a school day". --then I came over and told Gordon she was wanting her pacifier. He handed it to her and she quickly handed it to me as if it was her ticket out of her crib. I got a good laugh out of that one :)

We were riding in the car the other day and Gordon started singing the 'Hot Dog' song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He started dancing in his seat and so did Ella. Then Ella started to sing the song too. The words were not all there but she for sure had the tune right. It totally took me off guard!

Gordon loves to help me with the laundry. And this week we had separated all the clothes out and were carrying them down to the laundry room and as we were just out the front door Gordon turned to me and said "Mom, wait! Do you have the money?" I told him I did. And he responded "Are you sure? and what about the key?" He will be able to do the laundry all on his own soon :)

The other morning Gordon and I were watching cars on youtube and one that came up was monster trucks....this opened a whole new world for him. He loved watching them. And then later that day down at the park he found a big truck (the size that he could ride) and carried it up and raced it down the slide having it crash into something on the other end. He came down saying "my monster truck". Oh dear! We will have to talk about when we can play monster trucks and not :) --but he was having a great time!

OH and we are two weeks going strong with no more pacifier for Gordon. It was something we wanted to do for quite some time. One morning I told Gordon that when he was ready to get rid of his paci we could go down to Ross and he could pick out a new toy. With no hesitation he said "I am ready now" and ran over to the garbage and threw his paci away right then. We went to the store and he picked out a little guitar. He loves it. Just a few nights he has asked for his paci, but overall it has been a good transition. Now we just need him to get into the big boy underwear and he really will be all grown up! :)

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