Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I just love our Russell boy!! He is so cute. Eden accidentally closed her finger in the bathroom door so she was crying a little. Russell went right over to her and have her a big hug...and a long one. He didn't let go of her until she was done crying. Then all the kids were going out to play in the back and Eden was still wanting a little love from me. Russell came back in and gave her another little squeeze and in his own way was asking her to come outside and play with them. So adorable!! He is growing up so fast!
Russell and Eden has a special bond. Maybe because they are close in age or maybe because they get the mornings at home to play together while the others are at school. But Russell will just go and snuggle with Eden when they are watching a show. And again today at church Eden was sad because of something Russell stopped looking at his book looked at her and gave her a big hug. Then he pulled back to look at her face to make sure she was smiling. And to help make her smile he took one of his Goldfish and stuck it in her mouth...then right after that went in to eat it out of her mouth....reached his goal...both he and Eden were laughing....so was I ;)
Gordon had a little choir concert at school and after it was done Taylor was giving him a big hug to let him know how proud he was of him. He was smiling the whole time and doing all the movements and you could tell singing as loud as he could. He knew all the words. It was priceless watching Gordon's face as they were hugging and Taylor was telling him all these things. Gordon could not have been beaming more. A little boy who loves his Dad so much and loves to please him :)
Ella and Taylor were snuggling on the couch the other day and Taylor gave Ella a kiss on the cheek. She then nestled into him a little more and looked up at him as though her prince had just given her her first kiss. Then she said, "Sometimes I like to pretend that I am Mom". And hugged him again.
Today for our lunch prayer Ella was saying it. A couple things she said in her prayer were, "Bless all those people that have been baptized already will be able to feel the Holy Ghost...and bless us to have a great Thanksgiving!"
After the prayer Eden said, Ella you should have also said, 'bless us to have a great Christmas.'. Ella's response was..."Eden did we prayer for a good Thanksgiving in Oct?, NO. We can wait"

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