Friday, October 21, 2011


I have been sick the last few days and have been pretty much out for the count...but I do have one fabulous story for the grandparents journal this week : )

Yesterday Taylor was also not feeling well so he was resting and I was following the kids around and laying on the floor so I could be with them, feeling rather rotten. It came time for bed and Gordon being the awesome little man that he is took it upon himself to help me out with the bedtime routine. He gathered all the kids together for scriptures and said, "Okay what do you want to talk about tonight?" Ella responded...MORMON" Gordon said, "That is a great one...Mormon was 10 years old and then he grew up to be 15 and he was a great leader"...."Then later something was buried in the ground...Ella do you know what that is?" Her reponse was, "The brass plates". Gordon quickly said, "Good Ella that is really close, it was actually the Gold plates". He asked another question... "then later and angel came to someone about the plates, who is it?....starts with a 'J'" Gordon paused a min and then answered for them, "It was Joseph Smith and he told him where the golden plates were buried....Good job everyone!" Then he continued to tell a really detailed story (that I must admit I was a little in and out of so I don't remember all the details). Then Gordon announced it is time to go upstairs, "don't let me beat you upstairs" he said. They all raced up the stairs and Gordon let the girls win. Once they were upstairs he asked the girls to get in their beds and he went and filled up their sippy cups and said good night and shut their door. Then he climbed into his bed and I went in to say good night. He gave me this look of, "Don't worry Mom, I took care of it for you". And that was it. I gave him a high five, told him I loved him, and turned off his light. All the kids were in bed at 8 on the nose. The best thing a little boy could have done for him Mom last night! It just about brought me to tears. I love that little man and so glad that he is mine! :)

Hope you all are having a great Monday~ Love you!


Eden has followed in Taylor's footsteps and found it her position to make sure the older kids stay in line. :) (like Taylor use to do when he was little letting all of his older siblings know when it was time for bed). When the kids we pick up from school get into the car she says, "are your belts on?...get your seat belts on!"

This morning we were playing up in the loft and had some music playing. Eden ran over and grabbed the plush Strawberry shortcake doll that is just about as tall as she is and started dancing the waltz around the stage with her. She was so graceful I was quite impressed.

Last night the weather was great so the kids decided to eat outside on the picnic table. They all had their hoodies on and one by one the girls each moved and sat as close as they could to Gordon. He was loving it...and so was I! :)

The other day Gordon came down the stairs and said, "When I grow up I want to be a fire fighter". Ella was standing there so I asked her what she wanted to be. She thought for a moment and then said, "When I grow up I want to be Sleeping Beauty!"

We went camping this past weekend, so I will add some stories of that for the next round.
Love you all!!


We love you all and hope all is well with all of you. Sorry I am getting this out a few days late :)

We were driving out of the Target parking lot and Ella said to me, "Mom I am a good ruler". I said, "Oh, what does a good ruler do?" She replied, "I obey my Mom, so I am a good ruler! You should tell Dad that when he gets home."

This morning we had our pest control company come out and spray for us. And the particular spray they were using this time had quite a smell. It was more then I could stand so I needed to get out of the house. But I then found out that this spray was on all of the carpets and we were not to walk on it until it was dry (around two hours). I was not prepared. The girls and I all had not done our hair and we all had grubbies on. Even though we looked a little scary we went out to McDonalds for lunch (since we also had not eaten yet) I will prepare better for the next treatment :) I had a good laugh this I am sure everyone else at McDonalds did as well.

The kids were coloring during sacrament meeting on Sunday. They were all being very reverent it was wonderful. Eden we busy putting the crayons in and out of the box and in and out of my hand. Gordon came over and whispered to me, "Can I have the green crayon" I tried to pull the green one out without Eden noticing so she would not melt down without a full pack of crayons to put back into the box. She was being very methodical. One by one sifting through the remaining stack until there was one orange crayon left in my hand and then loudly announced, "Here is the green one for you Gordon" picking it up so carefully and handing it over to him. The whole time she was looking for the green to give him (now we just need to work a little harder on color recognition :) )

Gordon and Taylor were able to go up to a camp site for the day on Saturday. They had a great time hiking and playing in the river. But I think the highlight for Gordon was making a Doritos and marshmallow smore....not a flavor combo I think I will ever need to try :)


Just one this week. I know there were at least two others but I didn't write them down and I can't think of them right now. Maybe they will come back to me later :)

Love you all!!

The girls and I were in the car doing the afternoon pick up from school. Eden was asleep and Ella was looking out the window and thinking to herself and then she asked. "Mom, do you have friends in your head that are mouses?" I replied, "No, and it is mice". She quickly responded, "Mice....mice are in...water (pause) NO mice are in ICE...I didn't say mice Mom, I said you have friends in your head that are mouses?" I just replied this time, "No". "Oh okay" and she went back to looking out the window.


Taylor had a wonderful idea. He records himself reading a book out loud and puts it on the I-Pod. So on the long drive to school Gordon can read along in the book and listen to Taylor read to him. So everyday he opens his backpack to find a new book to "read a-long" with Dad. Although it is really an I-Pod Gordon refers to it as his I-Pad (so he can be cool like Grandpa Earl and Cameron). Well this morning he yelled up to Jessi that his "I-Pad" screen froze. He was quite concerned! And Taylor just happened to be following right behind them in his car on his way to work. So Gordon was frantically trying to get Taylor's attention to ask how to fix the problem. Taylor of course not knowing the situation thought the kids were just waving, so he waved back. They waved again and he again waved back...this happened for quite some time until they had to turn and Taylor continued on straight. No story for Gordon today although he gave it his best effort.

(Another story shared by Jessi) On the way to school Gwen was doing something to Gordon that could potentially mess up his hair and he said back to her, "Don't please, I want to be a handsome boy!" Such a cutie!!

(This story is shared by Grandma Earl- she has taken the girls for a few days so I can feel sick on the couch and relax :)--Thanks MOM!!) Last night when I was tucking the girls in bed, Ella and Eden asked for water. Ella added she wanted a glass of milk also. I came back with the water and Ella wanted to know where her milk was. I said I only had two hands and that I would go get the milk next. Not a second elapsed before she said, "Well, I wish you were an Octopus."

(Another from Grandma Earl) Ede was trying to get everyone to come to her. She finally said in a loud voice, "Everyone come over here, or I won't kiss you!"

We love you all!!! Thanks for all your love and support :)

p.s. Thanks Janet for sending these to Mildred! Our printer is broken and I have been wanting to get them to her for some time. We really do appreciate it!


Another fun filled week! Sure love these cute kids of mine!

This morning for breakfast I asked Eden if she would like Raisin Bran for breakfast. She replied yes and then said, "Mom, look at my mouth...RAISIN BRAN."

The other morning Eden was down eating breakfast with Taylor and Taylor passed some gas. The quick wit he is said to Eden, "Did you hear that barking spider?" Eden looked up at him and said..."Nooooo Dad that was YOU!" He can't pull one over her eyes :)

On Monday Gordon got an award at school during the Monday Morning Assembly. He got the "Always has a positive attitude" award. Taylor was able to be there to watch him get his award and he went up in front of the whole school (K-8) and was able to choose a prize out of the box. He felt pretty special.

The kids have already informed me what they would like to name the new baby. Gordon said Race Truck, Ella wants it to be Rosie. We might not go with exactly what they are thinking but it is nice to get their input :)


Oops I forgot to send this out yesterday! :) We celebrated Eden's birthday and had a party for her today we had a great time. I still can believe that my baby is TWO! Wow!! She has been going around the house yelling..Strawberry Shortcake is the BEST! (we had a Strawberry Shortcake themed party) Check out facebook and our blog for pictures (

We listen to Pandora radio on most days. And there are commercials occasionally. One that has come up more often lately is a Farmers Insurance commercial. And apparently they have a very catchy jingle at the end because the other day Eden sang along at the end "we are farmers bomb bonda bomb bomb bomb bom bom"

Ella said the other day to Gordon, "Princesses DON'T cook" looks like I need to change that perception she has :)

Last night Ella asked for a drink of water and said "My eyes hurt..I think they are eyes have run out of water!"

I went out on visits tonight so Taylor stayed home and played with the kids. They all had wands and Taylor started to "turn them into things" (he was trying to get the kids to play along and turn him into things- which they did) Ella ran with it. First it was a Taylor acted like a pig, then a cow...Taylor MOOOed...then Ella turned him into a shoe. Taylor curled up on the ground and all the kids jumped on him...then Ella turned him into a shoulder and Taylor just fell over...she quickly turned him into a dragon. I am sad I missed it. Although I did get to see a picture of their fun (which I will hopefully attach) of Taylor wearing two of the girls tutu' on each leg and then topped off with a clown wig. He is one of the best Dad's I know!


This week is pretty much jam-packed with Gordon was a big week for him :)
Love you all!

Gordon started school this week. He has LOVED it! And the first evidence of that was when I went to pick him up after his first day. He looked at me and said, "It isn't dark yet?..." I replied, "No, no yet." He said, "But you said I would be at school all day! And it is not dark yet. " "Oh do you want to stay?" "Yes, I thought I was staying all day, until it was dark." I explained that it was getting close to dinner time and that he would get to come back tomorrow. That made him excited. --so crazy that he is making friends and having all these fun memories without me bring right there! Wow when did he grow up so quickly?!?

Now that Gordon is in school and during Eden's nap time Ella is all in the spotlight. And just in case you were wondering she is LOVING IT :) (not a big surprise) She is such a chatter box. I am so excited to have that time with her as my afternoon bud :)

On Thursday morning I had to go in and wake Gordon up to get ready for school. He sat up in bed looking a little out of it and said, "Mom....I am just so tired.....can I sleep in the car on the way to school?" He was one tired boy! But then this morning he came into my room at 7 (that is when we can come out of his room) and told me there was something he wanted to show me. I went in his room and he had done his United States puzzle, made a huge contraption out of his magnetic toys, and spelled a few words with his letter blocks. He had obviously been up for a little while. He said, "I was just doing things while I waited for the little hand to get to the you like it?"

Grandma Earl called Gordon the other day to see how school was going. She asked him, "What did you learn at school?" His reply, "I am learning everything I know." :)


Grandma and Grandpa Earl and Summer and McKay's family have been so nice to watch our kiddos for us for the past few days so that Taylor and I could do some long awaiting projects around the house. Not many hours of sleep for us, but we got a lot done!

While Gordon was at Summer and McKay's he was bumming a little and so McKay went over to talk to Gordon to see what was wrong..this was his reply, "I am just TRYING to follow God's Plan"

One night while they were there it was Gordon's turn to say the prayer. Summer told me that 'repentance' came up again and again in his prayer. At least something is going in during scripture study :)

I called to talk to the kids during the week and when it was time to talk to Eden she seemed not very interested. Summer was trying to get her to hold the phone so she could talk to me...then she got VERY excited and said clear as a bell, "Is this Grandma?" When I told her it was me she sounded a bit disappointed.

Ella was staying at G&G Earl's and she was a night owl one night. So the next night Grandma had a great idea to have Ella go over to the pile of stuffed bears and choose one. Grandma took that bear and made it come to life and talk to Ella about the "rules" on going to bed and staying in bed....after some time Ella said, "I don't want that one anymore" (however in the morning she went to the bear pile again and asked for one to talk)

When I was talking to Gordon on the phone and asking him if he was having a good time his response was, "it is like a party...just with not that many people"

Julie told me this one about Ella. She said she was watching Ella play with a doll and heard her say to it as she was stroking its hair, "you are not real because you can not swallow....but you can be real because I will swallow for you"

We feel so blessed to have family around to help us watch our kiddos so that we can do vacations like this. It was wonderful to have time together and to be able to work on the house. I think the earliest we went to bed was 3:30AM. We got a lot done, pictures on the blog to come soon!

Love you all!!!


Just a few this week...sorry we are gearing all up for Taylor and my little trip, so I have been a bit distracted :)

The kids love to play together and this week I have been hearing "My Highness", "Come over here My Highness". So cute!

They also love to pretend that they are cats and/or dogs. They are good at training each other and are very obedient students.

To get up into the Suburban it is quite a ways up for the kids. I noticed that Ella uses one of the straps like a rock climbing rope to help her get up into her carseat. And both her and Eden to get out of the car, of course need to do it "all by myself"...and they call it sliding out. They literally slide down the various steps to get out.



While I was changing Eden's diaper she is saying over and over again... "don't look at my privates" least she is getting the concept to be modest, hopefully that will help with potty training :)

Gordon is such a helper. Whenever I am working out in the yard or folding laundry he almost always wants to help somehow. Folding towels are his favorite. I am going to miss having him home all day! Does school really start in two weeks!! YIKES

We went to a birthday party today for a neighbor. It was at a place called "Pump It Up". Basically there are lots of very large blow up bounce houses for the kids to run around in and jump in. All of them were in heaven. The girls took a little while to warm up but once they got the hang of it there was no stopping them. Everyone's favorite was a giant blow up slide. It was quite steep and high. Gordon was fearless and ran up there first thing and did it many times, and had a good size plastic burn on his arm to prove his speed. Each of the girls went down with either Taylor or I. It was such a fun afternoon!

Eden LOVES to dance. All the kids do really, it is not uncommon to find us having our own dance party most days. But Eden seems to have music playing in her mind all the time. I will be doing something and then she will yell over "Mom, watch...MOM WATCH!" And then she will show me her best dance moves. I will give her praise...and then she will say,"Mom watch" and off she goes twirling again. She has really good rhythm. She is growing up too quickly!!

We love you all!!! (ps. Welcome Aunt Janet to the grandparents journal! I wish I would have thought long ago to add you to the list. Glad to have you along on the ride. LOVE YOU)


At dinner Gordon kept asking for more sour cream. After a few times of asking I told him, "you need to be careful...too much sour cream can make you get fat. " He looked up at me and said, "is that what happened to you Mom!?"

We checked out a Strawberry Shortcake movie from the library last week...and all I can say is that I figured out what theme I will be doing for Eden's birthday party this year. She LOVED it! The other two did as well. They go around the house singing at the top of their lungs, "STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE SHE'S A VERY VERY BERRY SPECIAL GIRL". Eden's rendition I must say is the cutest!

Taylor was tucking the girls into bed and singing them a song. He sang them the primary classic, "Do as I'm Doing." At the end, the words say, "follow, follow me." The melody goes from high to low, and finishes on a low note. But Taylor was being his normal self and decided to mix up the ending by finishing on a high note. He then went over and gave Ella a kiss goodnight. She said she wanted him to sing the ending again and then kiss her at the end. He sang the ending again, this time signing the normal ending, finishing on a low note. Then he gave her a kiss. As he walked away, she protested. "No, sing it pretty, and then kiss me." "I just did," said Taylor. "No, sing it that one way, then kiss me." After Taylor sang it with the high note, and kissed her, he realized what was happening. She was crafting her very own Disney Princess scene.

Ella ran up to me the other day and said, "Mom I love you! are my favorite girl in the world!" That girl is getting cuter and sweeter everyday :)

Love you all!!


Eden is so cute! She will sticker her fingers in her ears and then look at Taylor and say "Nana, nana. nana...." And wait for him to chase her. Adorable!

In the car ride from California to Utah we were pulling into the Provo area and I asked the kids if they could see the "Y" on the mountain. It did not take them long to find it. And as soon as they did they let it be know with great excitement! But Eden wins the prize saying over and over and over "I SEE THE MOUNTAIN Y! I SEE THE MOUNTAIN Y!" After this had been going on for a little while Ella looks over at her and says, "EDEN STOP FREAKING OUT! When you talk like that you hurt grandma's ears!" (Grandma and I got a good chuckle...these are two phrases that I had used throughout the drive a number of times :) )

When we were staying at Alison and Jorgan's place the kids were in the extra room (Alison had not had Adelaide yet) and Grandma and I were out on the floor in the living room. We heard a door open and waited for some sign of life...but nothing. Then a few moments later Grandma saw Gordon's little head from behind the couch. He came out and said, "OH, you are awake...I had to go to the bathroom and I did not think anyone was awake. I didn't wait to flush and wake everyone now I can go flush, be right back!" And then when he came back he said, "And is 7 o'clock! (he was loving the time change so he didn't have to wait another hour to come out)

On Thursday morning I threw my back out very randomly so I was resting on a bed. Ella came in and climbed up on the bed next to me and took my face into her little hands and got her face in really close to mine and asked, "Mom, are you sick?" I said, "No, Mommy just has a little boo-boo". Still holding my face and now gently rubbing my check..."Oh Mom...." then she pulled out her little pointer finger put it on my nose and while wiggling it she said, "You are adorable!" ----So Ellanor :)

We are having so much fun being with so much family! And are so glad that Alison and Jorgan had their beautiful baby yesterday and that we were able to see her! Family is THE BEST! Love you all!!!


We were on our drive to California and at one of the stops we were all in the bathroom together and Gordon announced, "I have ballerina poop" I asked him what does that mean. His reply, "You know mom"
We are here at G&G Nielsen's house and when we were getting out of the car Ella said, "Mom when we get out we have to run so that none of the palm trees fall on our heads!" Another time she said, "Help, Mom there is a palm tree on my shoe"...I figured out that these 'palm trees' are actually the prickly balls that fall out of the trees.
Eden loves Grandma and Grandpa....everywhere we go she has to say "hi" to them multiple times. And when Grandpa comes home from work she runs to greet him.
When Taylor was in his mission he noticed that the parents would make a "ch-ch" noise to get their childrens attention. We have used this for quite some time and it is great when we are in places with lots of kids, we make this sound and our kids know right away that it is us calling for them. The adorable thing they do now is when they want to get each others attention they do it to each other. It makes me smile, especially when little Eden does it.
Love you all! And MISS YOU TERRIBLY SWEETHEART can't wait to see you Wednesday night!


Gordon was singing "Hey Soul Sister" except the words to him are. 'hey solar system'

Ella was getting upset at Riley becasue he was eating her food so she said, "Riley, you little customer....stop eating my food!" (not sure why this phrase was used...still puzzled)

Eden loves to sing popcorn popping with the motions. And she is adorable doing it. :)

All of the kids love to crawl around the house pretending they are dogs. They even bark now instead of talking to each other. I think it is a mix of Riley and the Disney show BOLT.

I have a friend that was in the hosptial this week. I was going to go visit her and when I mentioned it Gordon quickly said, "I want to go!" Such a sweet sensitive boy :) It meant a lot to my friend that he was there.

We went to visit this friend again after church on Sunday and Gordon and Ella came with me that time and we all were still in our Sunday clothes. There were many people in the hospital that commented on how cute they looked...Gordon looked over at me and said, "Mom, they think I am handsome [wink]" You could tell he felt pretty special!

We are heading off to California tomorrow. Can't wait to see you G&G Nielsen and GG Nielsen :) And we had a great time at G&G Earl's last night. We feel so truly blessed to have such a wonderful, caring and loving family!
Love you all!! ---See you soon!


Rats I really have been slacking lately...Hopefully my groove will come back sooner than later :) But two is better than none :)
Love you all!!!

Ella: "Mom, I would like a gray Popsicle"
Mom: "What would that taste like?"
Ella: "Christmas!"

Gordon was trying to do something with the remote the other day and he yells to me...a phrase that quickly got my response. I asked him to repeat himself, hoping I had misunderstood...again I heard the alarming phrase. I was about to explain why we don't say those words and then he said it again a little more slowly... "Mom, I can't find the DOWN button". I was relieved that I didn't start into that conversation when it was not needed :)


Gordon was playing Angry Birds tonight and said, "Hey Mom, I am diggin' this level" (we use the phrase 'are you diggin; this?' and 'i am rockin' this' he got them a little confused)

Ella was using a fake cell phone and he conversation was, "Ok....honey, will be home from work soon...for dinner....okay. Bye sweetie" I must say those phrases more than I thought on the phone. :)

Eden is busting out full phrases that still take me by surprise. I think it is one of the other two talking until I turn around and see her cute face smiling up at me.

Love you all!!!


Just a few to get you by until Friday....

Eden was playing with a little green ball that she found outside. (I think they are little pellets for a gun, the kids find them all the time at the park) She would pick it up and throw it a little ways and then run to find it. She did this for awhile and then she threw it towards the car. It went under the car or somewhere that she could not see, she was very sad. Gordon ran over and told her, "Just one sec. I'll be right back" he ran over to a place in the gutter then came back with a handful of little green balls for his sister and said, "These are all the green ones I could find." He really is my handsome hero, taking care of his sisters!

I fixed the kids Cream of Wheat for breakfast the other morning and Ella was loving it. She kept asking all morning, "Can I have some more of that... (pause) Lighting McQueen" (Not exactly sure where the connection is, all I could think of is cream and queen kinda rhyme so that might have stuck in her mind. Not quite sure, but adorable!)

Ella is making up words all the time. It is always fun to hear what the latest one is.

We are doing our "stay-cation" right now and having a blast. I will give the update on that soon.



A few for this past week. Wow I am having a hard time getting back on track after my couple week slip.

At church on Sunday Eden did something to Ella that she apparently did not like because as we began to sing our rest hymn "Let us all speak kind words to each other" Ella went over to Taylor and said, "Are you singing that because of what Eden said to me?" --I have been singing that around the house lately when they need a gentle reminder to use kind least I know they are listening :)

Also during church Eden had figured out that if you place a piece of paper on the fabric bench and stab a pencil through the paper it will make a little hole. She was having a good time doing it over and over again. After a few min she wanted to come sit by me. She still wanted to make holes in her paper so she began to do the same thing, but this time the paper was on her lap. After each thrust of the pencil she would let out a loud "OUCH". You would think she would learn from this and stop. Oh no, she was determined to keep making holes in her paper. Letting out an "OUCH" after each one. After what seemed like too many she lifted her paper and looked at her little legs with at least 20 little red/gray marks on them (from the lead). She still had a smile on her face..although after seeing her "hole" marks she did not do it again.

Today I was playing UNO with Gordon and I actually was beating him (which is very rare). There happened to be one number 9 card from another deck in with the deck we were playing with. It was only slightly different. Gordon noticed this and that he was behind played that "different" 9 card and said, "Mom, see how it is different...that means YOU have to draw 5 cards!" Smart cookie!! But you know me and how competitive I am, I didn't let him get away with it although he got a good laugh out of me.

Love you all!!
I hope to get back on track here soon


Just a few for this week...Hope you are all having a great Friday. Miss and love you all!

Ella brought over a wooden cake set we have and said in a little jingle, "Blow the candles out my dear and make your wish come true... (pause) it is from Alice in Wonderland Mom." --little does she know that I knew exactly where it came from.

On the way to take Taylor to work this morning the kids requested Jingle Bells...this is actually a typical request. But for some reason this morning I got a huge smile on my face and a little giggle as all three of the kids in the back were belting out Bing Crosby Style J-J-JINGLE BELLS!"

We are working on being polite and the kids are getting better. They get a little confused sometimes and will say "May you get this for me". We are grammatically correcting them, but loving their effort :)


We love and miss you all! Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Wish we could spend it with you. We are layin' low over here with sickies :)

The other night Ella said, "Mom we need to brush our teeth or they will fall out!....OR they will turn yellow, like Tinkerbell's hair!"

We were playing 'Mother May I' the other night at the end of FHE. And Gordon was almost to the end. Taylor was trying to even out the playing field between Gordon and Ella so he asked Gordon will you take one giant step backwards. Gordon said, "Mother may I?" Taylor said, "Yes you may". Then Gordon turned his back to Taylor and took one GIANT step backwards. What a smart kid! :)

Today I was explaining something to Gordon and I when I was finished I used the phrase, "Did I just blow your mind?" Ella looked over at Gordon and said, "She blew on it? must have been hot." Made me giggle and realize how silly that phrase can sound.

Ella has been feeling under the weather. She came up to me and said, "Mom, my brain hurts!".

Now Gordon is not feeling well and in between throwing up he looked up at me and said, "Mom....this is kinda not the best day for me". He is so sick and still a trooper.

After we took Gordon to the ER at Phoenix Children's Hospital so we could make sure he wasn't too dehydrated, they gave him medicine to calm his stomach, a Popsicle and grape gatorade to hydrate, and some coloring pages for home. After that, his attitude about the day changed. As we were walking out he said, "Dad, this was so awesome. I had a really good time. It was so fun. Dad, this is the best day ever!" I just started laughing. -Taylor


Ella went to the bathroom and came out and said, "Look Mom, when my pants are down I look like a penguin".

Cameron was helping me with computer stuff today and he was doing things on my machine remotely. So my mouse was moving without me doing anything. I was explaining to Gordon that Cameron was doing it. He thought that was really funny. And then what we were trying to figure out for awhile Cameron was able to do right away so I said something like, "Oh of course it works for the first time for Cameron." Gordon looked over at me and said,"Mom, it is because Cameron is smarter than you, huh?" I replied, "Yes he is!" :)

Gordon fish Firetruck died last week so we went to the pet store and picked up another fish for him. This time we thought we would try a Telescope Goldfish. Gordon has named him Tigger. :)

The Hulberts came to visit us for their spring break this weekend and we didn't tell the kids they were coming. They got in very late on Thursday night so we just put the Hulbert kids to sleep in the kids room so when they woke up in the morning they saw them. It was a really fun way to surprise them...and they LOVED it! They have been going non-stop every since. :)

Eden seems to be able to give just as good as a crusty as Ella could at this age. Every time she does it you know she is trying to be mad but I giggle every time because she is just so dang cute!

Late night Gordon fell asleep on the couch and then Riley came over and fell asleep on Gordon, we got a picture of it, hilarious! :)

Life is good, we love you all!

We love you all!!


A conversation Ella and I had the other day:
Mom: "Ella you are beautiful!"
Ella: "No, am am not beautiful."
Mom: " Yes you are."
Ella: " No Mom, I am not beautiful"
Mom: "You are not? What are you then?"
Ella: "I am SO SO SO Beautiful!"
Glad she is not struggling with her self esteem :)

Eden found a picture frame and really wanted to have it. So I pulled it down and then I realized she was saying "green..GREEN!" She pointed at the bottom of the frame that sits on two little balls that are just about the same size as a piece of candy. She thought the frame was siting on candy and wanted some! I tried to explain but that did not go over very well. :)

We have had friends over everyday this week. The kids have loved it...but boy am I pooped! :)
We sure love you all!
More stories next week for sure. :)


I asked Gordon what he wanted for dinner (for his birthday) he said, "I want Mac 'n' Cheese and Oatmeal." Easy boy to please :)

We had Bunco night here last night and I thought it would be fun for Gordon to play with us...since he is such a gamer and who wouldn't like to stay up late on their birthday and make the day last even longer? So he played with us ladies and he actually tied for first for wins. He and all the ladies had a blast!

Ella use to say, "two because I am two" (when referring to getting a cookie or something of that nature) and now she says, "I get four because I am almost four" Seems that she has wised up with age and skipped right over three. Unless of course we are talking about how many more bites of dinner she needs to take. Then it is always "Three because I am three". :)

For Gordon's birthday Eden was singing all day. She loves the happy birthday song and thought it was great that we were singing it all day. And then Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen got Gordon a Toy Story card and when you open it it plays the "You've got a friend in me" song. Eden carried that around and open and shut it for probably three hours. And again today. now she knows most of the words to that song too. What a cutie!

Ella is so content to play by herself. I will often find her playing and talking with princesses or dolls. And lately she has been looking at herself in the mirror while doing it, so cute.

We are so excited for Gordon's Dino Party tomorrow. Check out the blog in a few days to see pictures :)
We love you all!!!


I bought two little ice packs for when the kids get hurt. (one is a spiderman head the other is a heart with Barbie on it) Ella was playing with them and said out loud, "Look they are dancing!" As she held them together spinning them around. Gordon stopped what he was doing and said back quickly, "Spiderman is a hero.....he does not dance!" Oh the difference between boys and girls! :)

Gordon and Ella were playing the other day and I walked in and heard them singing. They were singing the boy and girl parts to the Swan Princess song. At the end Ella yelled out, "Derek!" (which is the princes name) they actually were singing the parts. Adorable!

We had a Relief Society activity here last night and the ladies all brought "gently used items" to share/exchange and one of the things we got was an old pair of cowboy boots. This morning Gordon put on his Woody costume and put them on. He was loving it. Then Ella put them on and said, "There is a snake in my boots". Love Toy Story!

Eden is growing up so quickly! She just gets right into the mix. She got in the tub with Gordon this morning and was just chatting away.


Just a few for this week...I haven't been good about writing things down lately.

Ella was eating oatmeal this morning and she said..."Mom there is candy in my oatmeal!" She won the prize of getting a little clump of brown sugar :)

I was putting some ointment onto Ella canker sore on her lip and has I was putting it on she said, "Mom I think I might like it off because I think it will taste good." I assured her it doesn't taste good...hopefully she can resist the temptation to try.

Eden is all into doing things all on her own. Very independent. She will let you know if you are invading on her space.

We were out with Grandma and Grandpa Earl this weekend and we were also dog- sitting. So while we were out we left the dog here. It was time to leave and Grandma Earl was trying to help with the departure and said to Ella, "You need to go home because the dog is saying, where did my friends go I want to play with them." And then Ella looked at Grandma and said, "Grandma dog's don't talk!". "Of course they don't" was her reply.

Gordon is really getting into reading books. He is growing up so quickly!

We love you all!!!


We were riding in the car the other day and Gordon said, "Mom we need to get a bigger we can have 'the just in case seats' in the back." What a thoughtful kid!

Ella is still having a hard time remembering what nylons are called. To her they are "My Mulons" (the disney show)

Gordon just woke up and I told him that we were going to the library today. He got a big smile and started to stretch. Then said, "I am stretching my arms out so I have enough room to get all the books in my arms".

We were at the childrens museum today and Eden found a Polar Bear bench that was just about her size. It looks like an actual polar bear with a face. She must have said Hi to it at least 20 times. It made me smile every time. And on our way out we went through the gift shop and Eden found a bucket full of stuffed little doggies. She grabbed two, one in each hand and cuddled them as she walked around the store. They were in a head lock until we had to say good-bye.

Also at the museum we went to a little puppet show put on by the tooth fairy. She was great and really got the kids into it. At the end she said to the kids, "Lets imagine there is a giant and we need to brush his teeth". Ella was right with her the whole time gasping and covering her mouth, eyes wide open. If I was just watching Ella's face I would have believed a real giant to be there. It was priceless!

I was cutting some celery for dinner and Ella said,
"Kids don't like green things.....they are yucky!
They like spicy things like carrots with ranch"

Eden's hair is getting long enough to do and she has discovered it is long enough to feel it when she shakes her head no. So she has been saying "No" a lot lately with a big smile on her face...just for the "feel of it" :)

Love you all!!
Thanks to G&G Earl for letting us use your car while you are has been such a treat! Hope you are having fun, miss you and see you when you get home.
And G&G Nielsen just a couple more days until you are here we are SOOOO excited!!


Just a few for this week but they are 'good' ones :)

We were saying family prayers the other night. It was Gordon's turn. Taylor was reminding him of a few things during the prayer and then Taylor said, "okay finish your prayer" and Gordon then said, "mark, get set, go.....(pause)....oh, oh, I mean in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen". That got a good chuckle out of Taylor and I.

I gave Eden a skittle out of a valentine bowl we have in the front of the house. The first one I gave her was green. So after that every time she walked by the bowl she would yell out "GREEN, GREEN, PEESE!" Then yesterday she was at Grandma and Grandpa Earl's house and again was saying "GREEN PEESE!" then I realized that she saw some M&M's. So in her mind any small circular candy is known as green :)

Gordon and Ella were playing in the Castle tent the other day and Gordon was getting a little upset. I asked him what the problem was and his reply was, "I just want me and Ella in the tent...not Eden. I am on a date with Ella!"

Love you all very much!


While we were driving in the car to get Taylor from work we had our baby Einstein CD in and after a couple of songs I hear Gordon ask from the back, "Hey Mom, can we listen to Daddy's music....because it ROCKS!"

So I changed the music to the radio and the song 'hey, soul sister' by train came on. Gordon quickly recognized it and said, "I love this song" then began to sing most of the words along with the radio. To my huge was adorable!

Gordon: "I love my family....and me"

The other day Ella was playing in the closet in the downstairs office. She had some dolls and Taylor asked her what she was doing. Her reply was, "they are learning in nursery." Taylor then said, "Oh are you the teacher?" She said, "No, I am the Mom...Gordon is the teacher...and you are the Father". Taylor then asked, "Oh so does that mean we are married?" "Yes," was her reply with a smile.

Eden is growing up so fast! She is going into nursery soon and she is more than excited about it. When I drop Ella off Eden cries because she wants to go too. So today I went in with her...I think she will have no problem going to nursery...I will keep my fingers crossed.

Eden is saying loads of new words all the time...I need to sit and write them all down one of these days :)

We love you all!!!


Just a few for this week :) Sending all of our love!

Ella is now officially in big girl underwear! Hurray! We have had a few accidents here and there but all in all she is doing really well. When she has a little bit of gas I reminder her lets go to the toilet...she always responds, "No Mom it is just a burp."

Eden will stand at the top of the stairs and yell, "MOM" still but she had added, "MOM, hold me!". It seems she is picking up more words everyday.

We were web-caming with Grandma Nielsen and Eden was singing a song. I wasn't sure at first what it was. I decided to sit and try and figure it out. I finally made out "once upon a dream" Ella is going to be in heaven that Eden also loves 'Sleeping Booty'. :)

I was tucking Gordon in last night and we were having fun with his monkey-boy. Then I turned out the lights and said goodnight. Then he popped up and said, "Mom, sleeping is not my great". I think he was meaning to say 'sleeping is not my favorite' and 'sleeping is not great' one of many phrase combos that put a smile on my face. :)


When I put Eden down I have been singing 'Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam'. And today while I was singing it while I was putting her down I noticed that every time I sang "beam" her little bum would pop up. Looks like I am up for a song change if I am wanting to get her to sleep :)

To Ella the Slumbering Princess is known affectionately as "Sleeping Booty".

Gordon has a sonic nose lately. We will just be sitting around then all of the sudden he will say, "Do you smell that?" And every time he is describing a few moments later I smell it too. Then today he said, "Do you smell that? It smells like something we use to eat when we were in LA and it is red." I started guessing and then I said Licorice. "YES that is it..I can smell it, can I have some?" It made me wish we really did have some in the house :)

The kids got costumes for Christmas and last night Gordon came out as Buzz Lightyear. He was jumping from one couch to another yelling 'to infinity and beyond!' . I was cleaning up the kitchen and didn't think much of it until I glance over and see Eden scaling the back of the couch to make her leap...she really wants to be one of the big kids. (don't worry grandmas I didn't let her be one of the big kids this time :) )

My scarf is Ella's "magical hair" (from Tangeld) she has been calling her hair magic for awhile now but she wanted it to be long my pink and yellow scarf was perfect. She ties it on her head and it drags just a little bit on the floor.

This morning Gordon surprised me while I was getting ready in the bathroom. He said, "Mom, here is your badge!" (as he handed me a bra)

Ella was being nice to share one of her 'spelling wands' this morning (it is just a princess wand). As she hands it to Gordon she says, "Here Gordon, don't kill it!"

We love you all!!!!


The girls carry around a little jewelry box and will stop, sit down, and open it. Then they stick their little fingers inside the empty box and then spread their imaginary lip gloss all over their lips. And Ella will get carried away and say it is all sorts of make-up and rub it all over her face. Such girly-girls I have :)

Eden LOVES talking on the phone. Anytime she sees me on the phone she must have a turn. (thanks to grandma(s) for talking to her a TON lately!) And now she has even turned other items into her personal cell phone. Choice as of late is the computer mouse. This morning I was hunting for quite some time trying to find the "cell phone" so I could use the computer. :)

I woke up the other morning to the sound of all the kids awake and playing and laughing in the girls room. When I got into the room I saw why they were all having so much fun. Gordon and Ella had worked so hard to put all the toys into Eden's crib, so she had things to play with of course. Then later that day when I went to get Eden up from her nap. Again all the toys had found their way into the crib and so did the other two. Oh the things they come up with. Eden was loving it. She will have such high expectations now when she wakes up :)

The other morning we were taking Taylor to work and Gordon asked, "Mom, why is that man making that face at us?" I looked and sure enough the man in the car in front of us was wearing a beanie that had a laughing flame face on the back of it (facing us). It very much had the appearance that he had a scary face and was laughing at us.

I overheard Ella reading a book to herself out loud. This is how it went,
"The angel came to Mary and said you are going to have a baby.
Mary told Joseph that the baby was baby Jesus....
and the seven dwarfs were not there.
And that was Christmas. The End"
Technically she got the story right :)

We love you all!!
Hope everyone had a great week


Christmas time is so wonderful! Such a great time to remember and reflect on the Saviors birth, life and resurrection. It has been fun to talk about the Savior more with the kids each night. One way we do that is though out the month of December we do "12 days of Christmas Service". To the kids it is know as "service-love". And this year it has been so great because we have been able to invite others along with us to help serve.

Here is what we have been up to so far
1. Doorbell ditching goodies- We chose three people in our ward that seemed like they could use a little Christmas cheer and left them a goodies. Gordon was the drop and run man and he did a great job, very sneaky.

2. Giving Blood- I was unable to give blood this year, but Taylor went. It was sponsored by parents of a little girl named Heather who died last year. Taylor was able to talk with them for awhile and help brighten their spirits while he served.

3. Sub for Santa- For the Earl family Christmas gift exchange this year instead of giving drawing names and giving gifts to each other everyone went out and got gifts for a family that wasn't going to be able to have a Christmas this year. It was so fun to hear the kids say, "This is for the girls" (they are a family with 4 little girls). --Did this one with the whole Earl family, with lots of help from member of our ward--

4. Lights for Delma- We meet Delma last year through Taylor's dad and put up some Christmas lights for her because she is unable to and lives alone. So this year we went back and did it for her again :) While we were out working she came out and sat on the porch bench bundled in her coat and chatted with us. It was one of my favorite things of the season to see her smile and truly enjoy our company and conversation. And what a treat to go back in a week to see her again while we take them down. --this could not have been done without Taylor's parents. Connecting us with Delma and watching our girls while Gordon, Taylor and I put up the lights--

5. Dinner at Ronald McDonald House- Another item that I think will become tradition. For the second year in a row we were able to cook dinner for the people in the Ronald McDonald House. To be able to stay there you must have a child who is being seen in the Phoenix Childrens Hospital. They charge virtually nothing for family to stay while their children are being treated so they can stay close by. We make the food but we also get to chat and mingle with the families while they eat and hear their stories. And bring the children little gifts to help brighten their day. --We cooked with Cameron, Kimball, and Emily. And we had our friends the Willis' watch our kiddies(you have to be 16 years old to go..they have a few years)--

6. Volunteered at Feed My Starving Children- Cameron introduced us to this charity and we loved it and had to go back. We invited others to come and accept 'the purple shirt challenge'. One purple shirt represents the amount it takes to buy one box of food that will feed X amount of meals/kids. We gave each family a purple shirt with the challenge to also get a purple shirt and extend the same challenge to someone else. The Kellers (Tim, Lisa, Daniel, Benjamin, Ethan), the Youngs (Todd, Jessi, Lilli, Heidi), and Cameron came to pack with us. What a great experience for everyone. --again Thanks to Taylor's parents for watching the girls..still a little too young--

7. Caroling- We went caroling with the Carratinis for Family Night on Monday. We went to widow, singles and the elderly. We sang and brought a little treat. It was fun to just drop in and surprise them. We caught most of them in their jammies :)

8. Temple Service- We had the opportunity to get all the Earl children and spouses together to do sealings at the Mesa Temple as a surprise to Mom and Dad Earl. It was fun to be doing temple service and so cool that we got to do it all as one big family. We feel so blessed to have all of our family strong in the gospel.

9. Cleaning up the park- Taylor and Gordon were out playing at the park a few days ago and noticed there was trash around and decided to do a spur of the moment service and clean up the trash.

10. Country Place Elementary-One of the counselors in our bishopbric is the principle at the Elementary school right by our house. We asked if there was a service we could do and he said yes. We went over and helped organize the books in the childrens section of their library. They have a new librarian coming in at the turn of the year and he wanted it to be organized and nice for her. It was great to help. (And thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen, Alison and Jorgan for also helping out!)

11. Taylor Singing- We have a friend whos brother was in charge of a fireside and was needing a few extra musical numbers last min so Taylor and Todd agreed to step in last min and perform another song. It turned out great. Those two guys blend so well together!

12. Gordon earning money for charity- All month Gordon has been doing a few chores around the house to earn money. And every time he does we talk to him about donating some of it to charity. We have a little bear 'piggy bank' that he is filling up for the Earl Family 'bears of love' fund. And he is also working on collecting quarters to fill his M&M jar for 'Feed my Starving Children'.

And a few funny stories as well :)

When I heat up Eden's bottle in the microwave she also wants to hold the bottle top and every time she will put it on like a hat and laugh.

Gordon went to the eye doctor this week and he was doing a great job sitting still and listening to what the doctor was asking. At one point the doctor was holding up a sheet of paper with letters on it for him to read. He was going through them all and getting them. On the last line he read about three of the five letters and then paused for a min and said, "I can't see". The doctor replied with, "That is fine you did great." Then Gordon quickly said, "No I can't see....your finger is in the way" And sure enough the doctors finger was over the next letter that Gordon was needing to read. I could not hold in my laughter!

We went to see Tangled this week and it was the first time to the movie theater for Eden. I thought she would fall asleep but she watch/was awake until the very end. :)

Whenever Eden wants a bite of your food you will know. She will come over to you with her mouth WIDE open. Ella caught on quickly that that technique works so she has started to do it too. It makes me laugh every time! :)

We love you all and had so much fun over the Christmas season and it was so fun to share so many of these memories with you.


We were getting Ella into the car and buckled into her seat. And it has become apparent that our kids have gotten the competitive gene. They are always wanting to win or beat someone else. So this time Ella said, "I want to beat my Mom......because I love her!"

Eden is a little jabber mouth! She talks all the time and every now and then you will catch what she is saying. Ones I have heard lately. Truck, Ella, Gordon, Stephen, again.

Gordon is such a good helper. Just about all morning on Saturday he would run and do whatever I asked and say, "See Mom, I am obeying on the first time!" He is growing into such a sweet little boy!

I took Ella shoe shopping and I should have known before I left what I would end up with.
We went to get her some new Sunday shoes. I was showing her some black ones and silver ones. I thought like a Mom of course, so they could match everything. But Ella eyed right off the bat a pink sparkly pair with gems on them...and with a closer look she found Princesses inside so she was sold. I tried to reason with her telling her they would not match all of her dresses. Ella is in fashion apparently because the new trend is to NOT have matching shoes. So she got what she wanted and we walked out of the store with the sparkly Princess shoes on her feet! :)

We put up our Christmas trees with weekend. It was a blast to see how excited the kids are about it...and still are about it. We sat down last night and told the kids all the stories behind each ornament on the tree. (it was ok, we don't have that many)
And our front room tree is so special to me! It has my grandma Thompson's eggs on it. I know they are not as beautiful as she would have made them but they still bring me so much joy to look at them. I have already begun to feel the sweet spirit of the Christmas season. I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful time of year as well.

Love you all!!!

During the Thanksgiving Day activities, Ella asked me to hold her and when her dace was near mine, she held my chin and said: "Grandpa, I like you!" Grandchildren frequently tell us that they love us, but this is the first time I can recall any grandchild asking me to pick her up so she could tell me right to my face that she liked me. I won't forget that moment.
I also enjoyed having both Gordon and Ella ant to sit with me during Sacrament Meeting. Except for a few minutes, Gordon sat very close to me the whole meeting and squeezed me tight every so often. It almost brought tears to my eyes. Then at the end of the meeting he said: "Grandpa, I want to take you to Primary." He tool my hand and walked me down to the Primary classroom and as soon as he saw his classmates (mostly little girls I might add), he dashed off to take his seat. Grandpa was left in the dust. He certainly has his priorities straight. I loved watching him jump into his seat in the front row and turn to chat with one of his girl friends. And finally, I also enjoy when he asks me to play "compewter" games with him. He sits in my lap and wraps his legs around mine for balance. He gets so excited to play Bob the Builder. Love, Grandpa Earl


I am a few days behind! Sorry....and again this week I found myself saying, "oh this would be a great grandparents journal" and I have failed to write them down! But here is what I have to get you through to next week :)

Ella was coloring and the marker she was using wasn't working too well. She looked up at me and said, "Mom, this marker is sick....I need a new one."

We have been listening to Christmas carols and jingle bells is a favorite in our house. Ella sings all the words. The end (to her) is "One home open slave!"

For school time this week I decided it would be fun for Gordon to practice his letters by writing a letter to someone. I asked him who he would like to write a letter to. He quickly responded....GRANDPA GORDON! He really loves his Great Grandpa Hansen. He wrote him a letter and colored him a picture. Then later the next day we were out for a walk and we saw an older man on a tractor that had a slight resemblance of Grandpa Hansen. Gordon saw him and turned to me with so much excitement. He said, "MOM! Did you see Grandpa Gordon Hansen is here. How awesome!" On our way back the man was gone and Gordon noticed...he was sad that Gordon Hansen left. :) He really loves that they share the same name. It is so fun to see how excited he gets to see him. It is fun having him in Arizona :)

Eden is getting two new molars. One more to go :)

I will try to be better at writing them down for this coming week. We love you all and hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are indeed so very grateful for all of you.
Much love!


We were putting the kids to bed the other night and I looked at Ella and said "You are so cute"...her response was, "I'm not cute...I'm CRAZY!"

I was looking through a princess book with Ella yesterday (this one for the first time) there was a page with Belle and her Dad on it. So I said, "Here is Belle with her Daddy, her Daddy is an inventor." She looked up at me and said,"That is not her Daddy that is her Papa". And sure enough I read the page and it is her Dad that she calls Papa. I don't remember telling her that so I asked her, "Who told you that his name was Papa?" And she thought for a moment and then responded, "Cinderella!"
(After some thought we think she thought it was a papa because Belle's father has white hair and looks more like a grandpa.)

If you say to Eden, "I love you" She will try to say something back that is close in her mind and then she makes a kissing noise. Adorable!

Gordon loves to hang out with his Dad! It really does bring me so much joy to see those two boys together. Two peas in a pod!

Gordon's new love...everyday for lunch he will ask, "Can I have a white cheese white sandwich?" (translation- Mayo and cheese sandwich)

We love you all so very much!!!


Every time I take Eden's shirt off she pats her belly until I get a new shirt on.

Eden really loves to lead music/dancing....most of the time she has her own music playing in her mind

Ella was sitting up ready to eat dinner and started saying, "This is our family",and named everyone in the room. I said "yeah" she quickly said, "don't say yeah...don't say yeah..(pause) don't say yeah, YET." And then she said..."And you can say yeah mom"

Gordon was coloring and then I looked over and he had made something with the crayons. They were in a circle and a star like shape in the center. He said, "Look Mom, it is seats around and this in the middle is the fire on top of the you are camping". Now he is using the crayons to build a house. :) Who needs legos?


Ella was eating a lollipop and I left the room and came back and found Ella using the lollipop like it was lip gloss.

I came upstairs to find Gordon in the bathroom standing on his tiptoes on the stool with his pants down aiming into the sink. I asked him what he was doing and he said I just wanted to be able to see myself when I went to the bathroom. We had a little talk about how we only go in the toilet.

Eden hangs out with me in the bathroom in the morning while I am getting ready and she loves to follow me around and close all of the drawers behind me. Cute and helpful :)

We were at the park the other day and Eden climbed up the stairs all by herself and then over to the slide, then turned around and went down the slide on her belly. So independent.

Eden has started a new thing. She will scream and reach/point for things that she wants. But we will say to her "say please" then she will stop screaming and smile while making the sign for please. She can turn it off and on just like Ellanor :)

Ella fell down today and she said, "I fell on the planet!".

I was watching a video with Gordon and Stephen, next thing I know Gordon is snoring and Stephen is asleep too...I guess it was not as interesting as I thought it was :)

I think part of the reason that Ella yelled that she fell on her planet is because I call their rear ends "tush planets"- Taylor


We got a movie from the REDBOX this week called 'How to Train your Dragon'. Gordon of course was nervous at first but by the end he was loving it. He was running around the house fighting off all of the 'mean' dragons while riding his dragon friend. Totally worth a $1.

I was putting Ella to bed the other night and as I was leaving she said, "Mom, I need my lips". I answered back, "Ella, you have your lips. They are on your face." Her response was, "I need my other lips!" (Our only guess is she was trying to ask for chap-stick)

I took Gordon and Ella to the store with me the other day and on our way back we were all singing. The favorite was Sleeping Beauty which we were all singing at the top of our lungs. :) And the new favorite was 'How much is that doggie in the window'. (We had a request for a dog song and that was the first one that popped into my head)

Eden is so fast now! I was doing self check out at Home Depot. I had scanned two items and I turn around and she was heading out the door. Can't take my eyes off that one! :)

I went upstairs to put Eden down for a nap and when I came back down I found Gordon and Stephen laughing uncontrollably at a Bert and Ernie sketch they had found on the computer. I wasn't even watching what they were and their laughter was contagious. :)

Eden is working on another molar. It makes for short naps and short nights, but glad they are coming in to help chew up all that food she loves to eat. :)

Taylor and I (with help from Cameron and his friend) planted grass last Saturday and already it is green in the backyard. So rewarding. Soon the kids will have a nice backyard to play in. Hopefully you all will be able to see it nice and lush the next time you visit.

Love you all!!


Taylor and I were able to go to the Garlands with Mom and Dad Earl. We had such a fabulous time! It was wonderful! Because we were gone I don't have many stories of the kids this week...but I did get a couple :)
Love you all!!!

Maybe it is not as strange as I think it is but Gordon asked for bread with jelly and sour cream to dip in for lunch today. He loved it. Maybe he is on to something?

I was putting Eden down for a nap today and I noticed that she was making some noise and it was in the exact same cadence that I shoosh her to sleep with. So cute!

Ella and Gordon had such a blast at Summer and McKay's that Ella fell asleep on the couch last night and went up to bed at 6ish and was asleep for the night. And Gordon fell asleep on the floor this afternoon. They know how to play hard :)


The dollar store has little Disney Princess figurines and I have slowly collected them all. Then this morning Ella said, "Snow White is mean". (accompanied with an angry face). I then explained that she is nice. "She cleaned the dwarfs house and made them dinner" I explained. (I took quite some time to tell the story) and then when I was all done...she paused and looked at me and said, "NO MOM, Snow White is mean....look at her face" She handed me the little dollar store doll and sure enough she has a mean looking face :) The painters didn't do that one with much care I guess.

We went on a little nature walk this morning on a hunt for insects. And we found quite a bit. We have learning cards with fun facts about bugs so we would pull them out and read about the insects we found. One of them said they liked to live in warm climates. So I asked, "They like to live in warm places, it is warm here huh?" Gordon's response was, "Mom it isn't warm" I surprisingly said, "It's not?" "NO isn't is HOT!"

Gordon was climbing into the car and Ella was already in her seat so he had to squeeze by her....Ella said, "Gordon be careful you are going to break my knees"

The kids really like to play Mother May I. I will have different commands like jumping, running, hoping. But for Ella every time it is her turn I must ask her to twirl. She will twirl forever.

Last night I was trying to think of something that would be fun and entertaining for the kids so we got out a sheet and folding it up to make a long and skinny 'balance beam'. We watched a few routines on youtube and then the kids were off. They did different routines with was adorable :) I can't wait until the summer Olympics again, too far away!

We are dog sitting for the weekend and the kids are LOVING it :) Ella was so sweet. I found her reading a book to the dog this morning. I am glad she has warmed up to them. A year ago she would not get near a dog.

Eden is a walker! She now prefers walking to crawling. She still crawls a good amount but walking like a champ.

Love you all!!
p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDPA EARL! We have a little birthday surprise from the kids coming your way soon :)


While we were in Fremont Grandma Nielsen had whipped yogurt in the fridge (as apposed to the normal) At first Gordon did not even want to try it, he quickly came around and all he would ask for is the whipped kind ...Ella calls it curly yogurt. She loved it from the beginning. :)

When we were driving back from California Ella looked out the window and was so pleased that there were PINK clouds in the sky. Sunset became magical for her.

We were putting the kids to bed the other night and Ella started crying. It was really hard to understand what she was saying and I finally made out, "I want a BIG owee..not little BIG". I couldn't help but laugh.

Lately when Eden gets upset she will be on her hands and knees and put her head on the ground and crawl around until it hits something. She is very upset but it makes me giggle.

Eden found a new buddy this past week. She loves grandpa Nielsen. Anytime he would come into the room she would stop whatever she was doing and give he a big smile and start crawling right over to him. She was his shadow following him around. She even got sad when he had to leave for work. We miss you grandpa!! Thanks for sharing Grandma again with us :)

And thanks to Grandma Nielsen for driving to and from California with us. It made all the difference in the world. I love you Mom!
And also thanks to Grandma Earl for letting us ride in style in your beautiful car! THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD :)

Love you all!!
Glad Grandpa Earl is feeling better. Hope we can get out to visit you both soon!


I missed last week..Sorry, it seems I am doing that more lately. The kids and I are in California and having a blast :)
Eden loves talking to Taylor on the phone. She gets so excited as she listens to Taylor sing her the muppet baby song. Then the last two lines she dances along.
Eden has cut another tooth..bringing the bottom line to a nice even 4 :)
Ella has fallen a few times in the last couple of days and she will say while crying... "Mom, I hurt my feelings".
We were at the farm and we saw a few peacocks. Grandma told Ella that her top matched the peacocks (it was different shades of blue and green). She quickly took off her pink coat and ran over towards the peacocks to show them that they matched.
Gordon loves to play croquet. He has played for at least 30 min everyday since we have been here. He is getting really good. he is such a gamer.

Grandma and Grandpa have Dinsey Sing Along Songs (VHS tapes that I remember watching as I was a kid) my kids adore them. They sing along and dance. There is a "Disneyland Fun" Tape and that is the favorite. It has all the Dinsey characters singing and dancing around disneyland. The first night we watched it as soon as it was over Gordon ran into the room for bed. I went in there and he was just about in tears saying, "Mom, I want to go to Disneyland right now". I said, "Well it is night time and that is when all the rides close" He responded, "Well lets go in the morning". I said, "Well we can't go without Dad, he would want to go with us". Gordon then said, "Lets get him and go right now". Then I got an idea...I said, "OH you can go right now, in your dreams! What ride will you go on first?" He still almost in tears says, "The Maddy-horn and then Splash Mountain". He got a little more excited and we started talking about all of the rides that we loved. He went to bed very happy. It is going to be such a joy to see their faces when we get to go back to the happiest place on earth! It never looses the magic. :)
We love you all and miss you very much. Grandpa and Grandma Earl, know that we pray for you both every day. And Dad (Taylor) we love and miss you more than you know! Wish you were here with us!!!


I can't remember if I wrote down that we got the kids some fish on Labor Day. We got Gordon and Ella each a betta fish. Gordon chose a beautiful green and blue one with long flowing fins and tail. He quickly named it Pluto. (Which has now changed to Prince Pluto...due to Ella's fish, which is no surprise, named Princess. Ella chose one that was light pink and purple in color with long flowing fins and tail as well. Her top fin even had a curl in it. VERY girly looking. And then I started to read on-line about Betta fish and...and that is when I began to notice that Princess was not doing very well. She only lasted two days...I had to make a switcher-roo so Ella would not freak out. I ran to the pet store and got the one that looked as close to the old one as I could. It was pink but the fins were much smaller. Ella did not notice she was different at all. Gordon saw her and said,"Mom her fins are shorter" I replied with, "maybe she got a haircut?". He said, "oh". It worked....until Princess number two died on Saturday....this time we are going to tell the kids that she got sick and we are taking her back to the Pet store and getting a new, healthy fish. And we are wiser now. Apparently pale color fish are not healthy. Sorry no more pick fish Ella :)

Our whole family is using the master bathroom right now so we have two big towel hangers for our towels. I went to grab Gordon's for him after his bath was done the other night and he looked up at me and said, "Hey Mom, Dad and I are on the same team...see" pointing up to the towel hook. Then he followed up with, "And Ella is on your team Mom."(he and Taylor share a hook and Ella and I share a hook).

Eden took a few steps on her own this past week. I keep thinking she is so close. One of these days she is really going to surprise us...but for now she still gets everywhere on her hands and knees :)

The kids love to color. They probably color for about an hour a day. Gordon is getting quite good. He will use a marker to outline the lines then color it in with a matching color pencil. Ella will always pull every color even remotely close to pink or purple out of the box right from the beginning and have them ALL right next to her at all times.

Grandma Nielsen is here and the kids are loving every min of it! We are excited to see Grandpa Nielsen this week!



Another week has flown by!

Eden is really getting into words. She will copy just about everything I am trying to get her to say. This week she mastered "car". And she really understands what is going on. Just out of habit I said to her, "Hands up" when I wanted to get her out of something...and then she gave me a big smile and did just that. It took me off guard very pleasantly. She isn't my baby anymore.

I was nads-ing my arms the other night (home waxing..I know more info than you wanted) but the stuff is green and I ripped a strip off and the kids were ecstatically saying "I want to see I want to see" so I showed them and they said, "WOW it looks like a dragon". Awesome :)

We went to the children's museum of Phx again yesterday and the kids had a great time. This time around they got into the Fort room. Building and creating it is so fun to see their imaginations at work.

Both Gordon and Ella are my little singers. While they are coloring or cleaning they are almost always singing or humming a little tune. And Eden has joined in the ranks. Today at church whenever we were singing she would make he best singing voice that she knows how. Again, such joy to watch.

Gordon has been having some bad dreams lately and usually I need to be there with him and tuck him back in, but the other night he came into my room and gently woke me up and said, "Mom, I had a bad dream can we say a say it" So I said a prayer and gave him a hug and then he walked back to him room and went back to bed. What a sweetheart.

We are so excited to see Grandma and Grandpa Nielsen soon! I haven't really talked about it too much with the kids because I know if I do they will ask me all day every day "can we go to their house NOW?" :) Won't they be so pleased when I tell them and that the wait will be short. :)
Love you all!!!


Eden has started to say a few more words. In addition to the others she now will say ba-oo which is translated into balloon. For her birthday we hung balloons from the ceiling and kept them up for a few days. So she would often point up to them. So I would say balloon when she did and she picked up on it very quickly :) She will also say 'kiss' if you go in for one.

The other morning Taylor was saying good-bye before he left for work. He said to Gordon, "Be a good boy today, be obedient." Gordon said, "OK, you too"

Just randomly the other day Ella came over saying "Guess what Mom...." with a look on her face as if she had discovered a new treasure, "....I love you".

Stephen and Gordon ran to the other side of the baby gate the other morning to look out the window. As soon as they did Ella yelled out, "OH my Princes, my Princes.....wait for the Princess!"

Ella is such a great talker, she has been for quite some time. She is very good at pronouncing things like her "L's". But if you ask her what Lincoln's name is she will say "la-la-la- B-linkin."

We went to Lowes yesterday to grab a few things and while we were there Gordon yelled out, "MOM IS THIS HOME SKIP-BO?"

We love you all so very much! Hope you enjoyed this weeks Earl fun :)


I thought it would be fun to dedicate this weeks journal all to Eden since her birthday is on Wednesday. LOVE YOU EDEN MUFF!

Just yesterday we had a little birthday bash for Eden. It was so fun to see that cute girl loving her party. She got into the cake and even got it all over her face and in her hair and eyes. Still with a smile on her face. She got new dolls which she gives equal love to each. Hugging them all day long. I just can't believe she is growing up so quickly!

She has started to say a few words. In addition to her favorite (dada) She now will point at things and say "this" (which Ella also did). She can every now and then say , 'Eden' and 'Ella' and occasionally I will get a 'mama' out of her. (Gordon is a bit harder to will come Gordon!)

Eden is getting better at her signs. We have taught her 'please', 'more', 'finished', 'out'.

She will give hugs and kisses all the time.

She always has her tongue out :) crying, laughing, while concentrating...all the time!

We call Eden our 'Muppet Baby' and Taylor will sing the Muppet baby song to her all the time. So we found it only natural to make her cake a Muppet baby cake. We use the hostess snowballs for the heads and various candies to decorate them to bring them to life. It was a blast. (the funniest part though was all of the kids were calling out which head they wanted and they each took one bit and realized that they were not as good as they looked :)---the coconut covered marshmallow and cake balls were not a hit with the younger crowd)

We just love our Eden Girl! She is such a joy and a wonderful addition to our family. We can't imagine life without her!


Sorry we missed last week. Taylor and I were able to have a little couple "stay-cation"" so others were watching our kids which we were very grateful for. It was great to relax a bit after the BAR :)

This week Taylor started work so it is official we are REAL grown-ups. :)

Gordon said "Hey Mom, it smells like a diaper"
Just then, Lincoln ran by so I say, "I think it might be Lincoln"
Gordon responds with a smile, "I think it might be my gas"

Eden blows kisses two handed now. She has also broken through another tooth. Brings the total to 7.

The other day Ella said "I am a Princess"
I asked "What is Gordon?"
Ella said, "He is a Prince"
I asked "What is Eden?"
She said (with a tone of: I can't believe you even asked), "She is a muffin!"

Eden has become a little climber. She will get on the little chair up onto the little table and then onto the kitchen table. I need to always keep a close eye on her :)

We were able to see Toy Story 3 this week (thanks Mom and Dad Earl :) ) And the kids had a GREAT time! It was Ella's first time to the movies. Last night I went to check on the kids. Gordon was talking to me but obviously a little out of it because he looked up at the ceiling and was pointing at the smoke alarm which had a little green light on it and said, "Mom I don't like that light, it is the monkeys....they are going to get me" then rolled back over and fell asleep --I think it steamed from the movie with the "killer" Barrel of monkey monkeys :)

Now when I put Ella's hair in a pony tail she says she is Anastasia. (in the movie Anastasia she has a high little ponytail)

Every morning when Gordon comes down stairs he is already dressed for the day. And he even matches :)

I have been making more file folder games this past week. And Ella said to me, "Mom, lets go lemonade these." (she was meaning to say laminate)


TAYLOR FINISHED THE BAR! HURRAY! I am so proud of my sweetheart.
Gordon said, "Dad, you are all finished with your BIG test! That is great! I just super-duper really love you". Ella says, "My daddy!". It is great to be done. :)

Eden loves to play peek-a-boo. And usually she does it to no one. She will go over to the window or a chair and crouch down and pop up as she squeals.

We got a great deal on three boxes of books on craigslist and and 90% of them are Disney. They love them. They stay up every night reading them. I think it fills the void of being able to go to Disneyland every week :) It warms my heart seeing them sit in bed lost in a book. Totally worth every penny!

We watched the movie Anastasia yesterday and Ella was loving it. At the end the credits were playing and Ella came over to me and said in a sad voice, "Mom I want to watch it again". Gordon heard and ran over and said, "Ella will you dance with me?" So they danced to the credit music. It was adorable!

We went bowling with the kids yesterday. It was a hit! We had the bumpers up and even a ramp device that helped the kids get some momentum behind the ball. They did really well. Ella's high score was 114 Gordon's was 98.

Gordon came down last night and said, "Dad you have to come up here. I can see super-duper far away stars" (I have been telling him that carrots help your eye sight so you can see really far :) so now he is on a kick about seeing things far away) Taylor went up to see what "stars" he saw. They were the stadium lights.

Every morning when Ella wakes up she stands at the top of the stairs and announces so everyone can hear "ELLA IS AWAKE" she waits until someone responds and if she gets none she says it again. Adorable! (it is adorable because she sleeps in and everyone is already awake when she does it)

We love you all!!!


I have been wondering what Eden is going to love playing with. Gordon loves cars and Ella loves dolls, shoes anything girly. I wondered if she will be influenced by her siblings. So the other day I was watching her. She crawled over to the big box full of cars with excitement. I thought she may like to play cars with Gordon, but then I saw her start to dig through the box and she grabbed out the little race car drivers. One by one she pulled them out and held as many as she could. She was loving these little 'dolls'. Good try Gordon but it looks like she will be following Ella's lead. :)

We were playing out at the "running grass" the other night. We were having a great time playing and then a cicada bug started to make it's loud noise. I was trying to explain what it was to Gordon and then another one began to chime in. And at that moment Gordon began to scream and came running down the hill toward me. At first I thought he was afraid of the bug, but then his scream turned into a fearful and 'I'm in pain' scream. I picked him up trying to calm him down. And then I realized why he was concerned. I got bit by a fire ant. Then I realized that Gordon got about 10 bites on his arm. Pour guy. He was strong though. He did not cry. I have always wondered what it would feel like to get bitten by a fire ant...and now I, and Gordon, will no longer need to wonder.

I was putting Eden to bed and I was trying to use her little pillow to block her view of my escape. She let is stay there for maybe 10 seconds before she raised her head grabbed the pillow and placed under her head and plopped down.

It rained tonight so we let the kids run out and stomp in the puddles and run around. They all loved it! I thought it would be fun for Taylor to look out the window out at the kids playing in the rain. I yelled up to him once and then Ella was yelling up at the window over and over again, "Tay-la, Tay-la" at the top of her lungs...and Eden chimed in with "da-da". And to end the fun we were able to see a rainbow. May sound silly but a little tender mercy for me. :)


The other night I was bathing the kids and I was getting the girls out while Gordon pulled the plug to let the water out. Our big tub drains the water pretty quickly so it actually makes a loud noise while it sucks the water out. And Gordon was watching it do this and said, "Wow, the tub was thirsty!"

I went to pick up Taylor's computer from the apple store.To get to the Apple store we had to walk through Sacs Fifth Ave. There were bags and shoes galore. Ella was in heaven! As we walked in there were lots of workers who stopped and looked at Ella with her pink top, hair in a pony tail, and her sparkly sandals. As soon as she noticed that they were talking about her she totally turned it on. She was walking around with a little bounce in her step and pointing at items as if she was going to buy them. A view into the future I am sure. Maybe I should up her savings account already :)

Ella has inherited my genes and one surfaced the other day. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Earl's house the other day and the whole way home Ella was looking back out the back window with her arm stretched as far as it would go, crying...."Grandma! I want my Grandma!" I remember doing the exact same thing every time I left my Grandma's house too :)

We have been listening to classical music in the car lately and the other day Gordon asked, "Mom what song is this?" I began to explain it was a classical song just with instruments. But that was not good enough for him. He wanted to know what song it was, So I told him it could be about whatever you want. For example, that one became about two little fish who were friends swimming in the ocean. He got a bit nervous when the music got intense...but we worked through it. It has been quite fun. Now whenever we get into the car Gordon will tell me what song is on. Once it was a bird flying in the sky and another time it was an airplane song. He really is getting into his imagination.

Uncle Dan was trying to explain to Stephen and Gordon that they are big brothers and they need to protect their younger siblings. And for Gordon especially his sisters. So Uncle Dan said, "What if there was a dog trying to hurt Ella would you hit the dog?" Gordon replied, "NO, you don't hit dogs". Then Uncle Dan said, well if you had a stick would you hit the dog with the stick?" Stephen said, "Yes, I would hit the dog with the stick!". Then Gordon said, "No I would throw the stick so the dog would chase it (and get away from Ella)." Gordon loves his sisters but he might love dogs just as much :)

Eden has started to blow kisses. Every time I walk into our room where Taylor is studying Eden will blow Taylor a kiss. It is adorable!

She also will pull herself up to a standing position along a chair and then will push the chair and walk along with it. It makes her look so old! I can't believe her birthday is in a little over a month.


Hope this week as been a great one for all of you. It has been another fun filled one for us :)

Eden has always been our "tongue girl" she sticks her tongue out all the time. But his past week she has started something new. As she is crawling around she will stick her tongue in and out synchronized with the speed of her crawl. The faster she goes the faster the tongue goes in and out :) I laugh every time.

We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Earl's on Saturday a BBQ and to swim (thanks a bunch! the kids and I had a blast) and while we were there with the hustle and bustle of everyone getting their food and eating. Gordon stopped out of the blue and said, "Grandma, thank you so much for making this Hot Dog is delicious!" And then later on in the meal he thanked Grandpa for making the Hot Dog that went inside the bun. :)

At church yesterday Taylor and I received new callings (we are the CTR 4 team teachers) so we met with a member of the bishopric.We went into the sacrament room and were waiting for the meeting to start. And then Bro. White (this councilor) walked in. Gordon leaned over and said, "Hey Mom we just talked to that guy" I responded with a "yes". Then he looked up and me and said, "Is he a prophet?" I said "No, he is a member of the bishopric". Gordon replied with an "Oh". Then he thought for a moment and said, "Where is President Monson?" I tried to explain that he was in Utah going to church there. Gordon then said, "But I thought the prophet went to our church?" I tried to explain the concept of a world wide church to him. I think he got it a little...we will have to work on that :)

Last night Ella was pulling her hair up as if she was trying to put it in a pony-tail. She was feeling the back of her hair (down by her neck) and said, "It is like a boy" So now when she wants her hair in a pony-tail she says as she is pulling it up "I want my hair like a boy".

Last night before we got the kids ready for bed Taylor pulled out the box of puppets and did a little show for the kids. They all loved it and really got into the many characters Taylor made. The joy on their faces....I love those moments in life!


Here is what I have for the week.

Thanks for writing that one down for me babe! :) I know I will laugh about it later, but tonight I was grossed out :)

We were able to go to the Nielsen Family reunion at Aspen Grove this past week. It was a very tiring week! But so fun and one that I will always remember. Thanks to Mom and Dad for all your help! The kids LOVED being in the mountains and surrounded by all of their cousins. To Gordon life could not get much better. He asked if we could stay for “lots of days”.

The first day we were there Ella looked over at me and said “Mom are we going to be here for many moons?” It took me a little while and then I figured out she got that from Peter Pan. We watched Peter Pan about three times on our drive to Utah and that is what she got out of it :)

Gordon went to the pool every day with his ‘kitten’ class. I went to watch him the last day and to my surprise he was actually kinda swimming! They were in the kiddy pool that was probably 2 ½ feet deep so he could stand at any moment. But he would put his head under and kick his legs and arms (not touching the bottom) and go a few feet, then touch the bottom and again go underwater and swim a few feet. He did that from one length of the pool to the other. He was doing quite well! He was so excited to show me. –(without any floaties)

One day during free time Uncle Eric took the boys to the rock wall to climb, what we did not know was that you needed to be at least 5. Gordon was a bit bummed but we made the most of it. Gordon decided he wanted to go fishing (which lasted maybe 4 min because he overheard someone saying they had not re-stocked the pond) from there we decided to go swimming. On our way to the pool we ran into a pirate. She told us that we could go and find her treasure if we went on this treasure hunt. Gordon couldn’t pass up that invitation. So a treasure hunt it was. As we were looking for the clues Gordon saw a few people shooting off some rockets. We took a pit stop for that. Made a rocket and shot a few off. Then finished the treasure hunt. And made it to the pool with 10 min to swim before it was time for dinner. He was bummed he didn’t get to rock climb, but he still got to do a lot of cool things that day!

If I had to pick one things that was Gordon’s favorite I would have to say he Loved to play “Pretend golf” (a little miniture golf course) any free moment we had it was, “Mom lets’ go play pretent golf right now!”

At night we would turn on the baby monitor and then go over to my parents cabin so we could talk and play games. Before I left I explained to Gordon that I was going to be at Grandma and Grandpa’s cabin and if he needed me he needed to whisper into the monitor and I would hear him and come back. So the first night I put all the kids to bed and went down to my folks cabin. Just a few moments later we heard Gordon whispering “Mom, I need you, Mom” So I quickly went back to our cabin to see what he needed. Before I opened the door Gordon did and he said “MOM! These glow in the dark! (pointing at a wristband that Eric and Anna-Lena got everyone to remember the week) and then he looked at me and flung his arms around my neck and gave me a big kiss and said “Thank you so much Mom. I just love you so much.”

Eden was such a happy girl every time I went to get her from her class

Eden stood by herself for about 8 seconds before she decided to sit down

Taylor was initiated to the Nielsen Family 4th of July celebration, but he put up a good fight. We have the tradition that the first time someone comes to the annual event they get a large bucket of water dumped on them. Taylor is quite fast so we had a plan to catch him off guard. Jorgan snuck up behind him to get him, but just as he was going to make his move everyone charged. It gave Taylor that second advantage and he was off. His speed out did us all. After some time Taylor finally summitted and layed down on the ground and got a double bucket.

Love you all!!!

Laura and crew


Eden is growing up so quickly!
She has two more teeth that are coming in bring the total to 6. She loves to play peek-a-boo it will get her to laugh just about every time. Also if there is a pillow or blanket on the ground she will crawl over to it and plop her head down and snuggle with it. Then pull her head up and plop it down again. So cute!

I was putting the kids to bed the other night and I said "Alright Kiddies let get to bed". Ella stopped and looked over at me and said, "Mom, we are not KITTIES, we are KIDS, you are silly."

We got a little pool to put in the backyard and we thought we would have the kids earn it. So we have a mason jar that the kids can put marbles in every time they do something nice or when they listen. So now throughout the day Gordon will run over and hand something to one of the kids and then run over to me and say, "Mom, I shared I can put a marble in the jar now".

He is getting smart to my ways. Ella has been potty training and when she uses the toilet she gets two skittles. And one of the times in the beginning Gordon was very helpful and got Ella her sippy-cup while she was sitting on the toilet. So I gave Gordon two skittles as well to say thanks for helping. So the next time Ella needed to sit on the toilet Gordon ran over there and put the sippy-cup near the bathroom door and said to me, "Mom, I can get the sippy-cup for Ella again....if you need me to".

Gordon gave a talk in Church yesterday on the Holy Ghost. He did a wonderful job. He is growing up so quickly as well. They all are...what am I going to do....I guess we will have to have another one soon :)

Love you all!
Excited to see you Mom and Dad and Grandma on Sat! We are so excited!!!

At the risk of preempting Laura's Grandparents journal for this week, I just had to pass this along.

so I'm sitting in our bedroom studying and Laura comes flying in with Gordon in tow. "Uh oh," I thought, "Gordon's in trouble for something." "Take your clothes off and get in the tub, now!" said Laura. I sat there for a moment wondering what had happened. Maybe he had diarrhea or something. Then I hear Laura say "What goes in the toilet Gordon?! . . . Poop and pee. That's it! Not your face."

I immediately burst into silent laughter, trying not to let him hear me. Just then Laura said "It's not funny . . . Gordon." Oh good, she hadn't seen me laughing. Just in case, I covered up my face with my book until the worst had passed.

Apparently Laura walked in and Gordon had stuck in head in the toilet and then with water dripping from his head he threw her a look like "hey, mom, aren't you proud of me?"

Laura asked me how we could punish him for that. My response: put it in his journal.

Love you all,


Ok...yes, I am back :) Thanks for understanding and giving me some time to get back into the swing of things. I feel so out of it without having my computer set up. Next on the list :)

So here is what I have.

Eden is really cruising around. She is pulling herself up along furniture. She will hold my hands and walk around too. I don't think it will be long before she is doing it all on her own.

Eden had another tooth break through this week which brings her total to 4.

Gordon loves to watch Mary Poppins (just like I did when I was little) :)

We had a little bug problem a little while ago. And there were lots in the upstairs bathroom. Gordon ran upstairs and was gone for awhile. Then I saw him bending over the tub looking very intently at these little bugs. He was studying them. Then I saw him reach down and grab them one by one and put them into the toilet. After sometime. Gordon came walking out of the bathroom and declared, "Mom, don't worry about the bugs...I took care of it!"

Gordon has really been interested in playing the piano. So to keep his excitement I wanted to make it easy for him to play a few songs. We color coded the keys as well as a few church hymns he knows. He can play 'I am a Child of God', 'Teach me to walk in the Light' and (one other that has slipped my mind at the moment) It is so fun to see him get so excited about it.

Gordon also got a new bunkbed. It is a loft bed (which means it has a bed ontop and is open underneath. (although right now we have Ella's bed there. But it is a full size mattress on top and he loves being up high. And Ella loves it because she feeling like she is sleeping in a princess castle.

Ella has been giving a go at the potty training and she LOVES her princess underwear. I hope we will soon be a fam with one in diapers!!! OH what would that be like? :)

Ellanor loves to sing and dance. Whenever we are at the park she is usually singing some tune. A song we know and sometimes one that she makes up. She is a girl through and through.

We love them all so much! They have been great troopers with the hectic life of packing, moving, and trying to settle in. We love them so dearly! And my wonderful, amazing and diligent husband is studying hard for the BAR exam. He really is one of my heroes! Not many days go by that I don't think to myself, "I am one lucky girl!"

Love you all!!