Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Russell is the best cheerleader! When I got home from my run he was clapping for me and saying "Yea..yea" while I was doing my abs. Love that kid!
Gordon has gone running with me twice now. First time was on his birthday. He ran 1 1/2 miles with me. Then while we were in California he ran 2 1/2 miles with me. And he was chatting the whole time. He was awesome. At the very end I asked him if he wanted to pick up the speed a bit...he thought for a moment and said, "No, lets keep this pace".
Evalyn is smiling all the time now. She can really melt this mama's heart! Oh but does she light up when she hears Dad's voice...a daddy's girl for sure ;)
Russell's vocabulary is growing so quickly. Sometimes he will say things and make me do a double take to see if that really came out of his mouth.
Gordon had his first blue and gold dinner for cub scouts. He is so excited to go to cub scouts we have already started to pass things off in his book!
Russell had one of his hot wheels cars in his mouth and was sucking on it for quite sometime. I was just watching him and smiling to myself, then he took the car out of his mouth and held it up to me and said, "Do you want to try?" I chuckled out loud.
Love you all!!!

This was another set that was in my drafts folder...don't know if I have sent this one or not....sorry if these are repeats ;)

In the car on the way home from school I heard the girls talking to each other. Ella said,"You know we have a neighbor named Elsa..... she doesn't have any powers". (referring to the Disney movie Frozen)
Ella took a drink out of a water bottle that Eden had already used. Eden was getting a little upset with Ella and said, "I already drank out of that..." Then Ella said, "It is fine...we are like almost twins".
Another conversation with all the girls from the school pick up...They were talking about the game Candyland. They were each saying which character they liked. Then one girl said she did not like the scary guy. Ella said oh the Licorice guy...I still like him because he is cute, but in the game he is a bad guy....but I still like him.

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