Thursday, October 31, 2013


We were in the car and Eden leaned over and asked Grandma, "Do you know what trash can means?" Grandma's reply was, "Sure, it is where you put garbage." Eden asked again, "No, you know trash can...." Then she said, "Like trash can talking" :)

Gordon was up in Grandma's bathroom while she was doing he hair and the topics of cowlicks came up. Gordon was noticing his and asked if girls had them. Grandma explained that sometimes they do but they can be covered up by their long hair. Later on Gordon was noticing that Grandma was putting some foam in her hair...he asked, "What is that?" Grandma replied,"Moose". Then Gordon with a puzzled look on his face said, "Why do things with hair have to do with animals?"

While we were at the beach we were explaining to Gordon that you can go number one in the ocean but not in a pool. Grandma had a follow up question. She asked, "where do fish go to the bathroom?" Gordon said, "they swim away from people!"

Eden at the beach "I like scaring the chickens (pigeons) away"

Russell is still not walking on his own. Although he does prefer to he holds one of my fingers and walks all over the house with me. It is adorable, but I will enjoy it when he gets a little more daring an tries it on his own :)

And poor boy. Working on another molar and this time it has created a blood blister in his mouth. It looks very painful...and it seems to be, this poor guy has been pretty miserable the past few days. Hopefully it breaks through soon! 

Love you all!!

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