Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I was able to go to Gordon's school to help wrap up their wood and paper unit. We were to help our child make something with various wood and paper items. Each child was asked to go to the two different supply stations and choose the items they wanted to construct something. Most kids were choose various shapes of wooden blocks, Popsicle sticks, and other things of that nature. And many of them had the idea to build a castle, house or a boat. (which is what I was thinking we would be constructing too) Then Gordon came back from the wood table holding two pieces of wood. One was somewhat like a misshapen triangle and the other looked like it was ripped off of a branch from a tree, very jagged and curved. I thought to myself 'why would he choose these what on earth are we going to make'. He dropped the wood off at his desk and ran to the other station and came back with yarn, paper, Popsicle sticks, and a paper cone cup. He had a giant smile on his face. I was still cramming my brain trying to figure out what we were going to make with these things that would not seem disappointing when we were done. And then Gordon announced, "Mom we are going to make a BIRD!" And that is what we did. Gordon had the whole thing mapped out in his mind. He was telling me what to do and how to construct it. And the finished product looked great. I was so proud of him! For his quick idea and knowing what he wanted to do and ran with it. He changed and modified a few things as we went along but at the end most of the kids had come over to check out "THE BIRD". Such a fun treat to be there with him at school today in his environment and watch him at work. He made his Mom feel like a million bucks today. At recess he just wanted to sit with me on the bench and talk instead of playing out on the playground. Melted my heart. An afternoon I will always remember :)

The girls and I were in the car and I hoped out real quick to drop something off and came back to the car and looked back and saw Ella's head on Eden's lap and Eden was playing with Ella's hair and singing her a song very softly. Eden looked up at me and whispered, "Shh, Mom Ella is sleeping". (she wasn't really but she could have fooled was adorable!)

Eden's little finger nail is as loose as a tooth these days...but has not fallen off yet. The bottom of the nail it still totally attached and the rest is flapping back and forth. How am I going to help keep a little two year old from pulling/picking if off until it is ready...could be an interesting story (stay tuned :) )

Christmas time is so fun with the kids. I feel like every house decorated with lights they see it as if it is the first house with lights they have every seen. Every single one brings such excitement and joy, I love it!

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