Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I was reading through some old grandparents journals the other day and it was fun to remember different things. I hope someday the kids will get a kick out of all of these. I sure love these kids of mine! And love all of you :) Thanks for helping me to stay committed to doing this somewhat consistently.

On the way to get the kids from school the last few days the girls have been beat-boxing: (Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of producing drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. )  It is really cute to listen to and watch.

Taylor and I went to Gordon's parent teacher conference this morning and Mr. Wray had nothing but kind things to say about Gordon. He told us that Gordon is just a joy to have in class and that he is always trying his best and obeys the rules. He also told us that Gordon is a great leader. He doesn't boss kids around, he leads them by example. And Mr. Wray said he was very impressed with Gordon's handwriting. :)  Gordon got all A+'s with one A. And in every other area he received "E" for Excellent (which is the highest mark). He is doing wonderfully and loving it, we couldn't be happier :)

I was talking on my cell phone to my Mom and the call was dropped so I said to myself out loud, "Oh, I lost Mom". Ella quickly turned her head and said, "Where is Grandma? We need to find her!"

Grandma Nielsen is coming for a visit next week and I was telling the kids that she was going to be coming. They were all getting excited and then Eden looked at me and said, "And Grandpa come too!" I explained he couldn't come this time. And she was trying to talk me into the the idea that no he is coming. We are going to miss having you here too Grandpa :)

Can't wait to see Grandma Nielsen in two days!!! :) Woot Woot!

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