Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Stockings in our house are often called "sockings" --close enough right?

Ella and Eden now have a bunk-bed and the crib is moved into Gordon's room. It has been a challenge to convince Ella to sleep in the top bunk. (I never thought it would be possible to have to talk a child into sleeping on the top...I thought all kids wanted to be on the top???) Well we have gone with 'it is like sleeping in Rapunzel's tower' and that has worked a bit. I found the kids in there this morning with Ella on top and Gordon down below yelling up... "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair". Hopefully this will end our nightly debates.

We delivered some Christmas goodies to some friends the other night and Ella went up to the door with Taylor on one house. She came back to the car and said ,"Mom she called me darling". Taylor added, "And she called me dear." Ella chimed in with, " a REIN--DEER!"

After we put up the tree last night Eden climbed up on our four step- step stool and belted out, "And at last I see the light...". Gordon also took his turn on top and was leading the Christmas music we were listening to with a slinky. It was entertaining to watch :)

We love this time of year for so many reasons! It really is magical...and after all these years it still is for me and in a whole new way, kids make everything better!
We love you all!

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