Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I was on the phone with Alison yesterday and the kids were playing in the backyard. They had been out there for a little while and I looked out the window and could not keep in my laughter. I saw our cute little Ellanor swinging with her the wind blowing in the air with only her unders on with not a care in the world. Such a free spirit she is. And then a few moments later I looked out again and saw that Eden had gone to the recycle bin and pulled out the ads (the more slick ones) and was using on the slide to help her fly down faster. :) So creative.

Today was Ella's first ballet class and she loved it! It took her a little while to warm up to all the people she didn't know. (so surprising...I have never known Ella to be shy) but once she was comfortable she was dancing all around. And she is already talking about next weeks lesson. And she looked so adorable in her outfit! Black leotard, pink tights, pink tutu and black ballet slippers with her hair in a bun with a big pink flower. (I sent a picture earlier today...but I will take more soon...I just didn't have a camera on me. That picture was taken on a friends phone)

I was at Target yesterday and they were having a sale on shoes. I found some Sunday shoes for Russell for a few dollars. Getting so excited to meet this little guy!!

The girls were able to tag along on one of their friends field trips to the grocery store. They loved it. It is actually the store that we go to so it was fun for them to see it in a different way. They got to try loads of samples and even got to ring things up at the registrar.  Such a fun filled morning for these girlies :)

For family night last night we talked about Captain Moroni from the Book of Mormon. And how he wrote the Title of Liberty. We wrote our own family 'title of liberty'. We simpified it for the kids and asked them why do we want to be righteous. This is the list they came up with: 1) So that we can live with Heavenly Father again 2) it shows our love to Heavenly Father and Jesus 3) it shows our love to Mom and Dad  4) so we can have the Holy Ghost  5) so we can be nice and happy 6) so we can be helpful to Mom and Dad.

Gordon got his second round of grades back. Straight A's again...he takes after his Daddy :)

Love you all!!!

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