Monday, November 28, 2016


It has been SOOO long since I have sent one of these out! It makes me sad to think about the stories and things I have missed writing down. But no need to dwell on that, looking forward ;) 

Quite some time ago while we were at Grandma and Grandpa Earl's house. The kids had set up some tents. Most would would think that the kids would have wanted to each make their own tent, to have all to themselves. Instead the wanted to share all the tents. They had one tent for each different activity and went from one to the next all together. One for eating, one for sleeping (equip with stars on the ceiling), one for playing, and another as well.
Russell in the car on the way home says," Mom..NO lets do water...lets do milk, okay?"
Evalyn's top two front teeth are just barely starting to peek through, maybe she will get her two front teeth for Christmas ;) --update to this note, she now does have both top front teeth. It makes her look so grown up! I can't believe she will be one on Thursday! Where is the last year go?!?
I got a pair of capri pants that are navy blue with bright pink painted spots on them...just for fun. When I came down the stairs with them on Russell looked at me and said, "Whoa got stickers on your pants, I like-a them!"
Russell and I were getting ready to go get Eden from school to take her to the dentist. I said to him. "Do you want to come to take Eden to the dentist?" His reply was..."No, no take Eden to the dentist, I want to go to the temple!"
Technology is wonderful! One piece of technology that Taylor uses all the time is the feature on the iphone to speak the text that you want to write. With this feature you also need to speak in the punctuation. It seems to be becoming the norm around here. In the car on the way to church yesterday Gordon asked me something and ended with saying "question mark". I was giggling pretty hard ;)
Evalyn is growing up so quickly!!! It is so fun to see her little personality coming out.
During Christmas break we were able to go and play dodgeball. We all had a great time! Eden was especially brave getting hit once in the face and another time in the chest by the some of the Dads fast balls. And also this week she slipped off the trapeze on a swing set at a friends house and landed on her face. She is scrapped up but boy is she is one tuff cookie!
I don't know if I wrote down Ella's accomplishment. She was in the top two in her first grade class for spelling so she went on to compete in the school wide first grade spelling bee. There were about 10 kids (who were also the top two from their classes). She did wonderfully. She finished in second place. At first she was very bummed because she got out on a word that she knows. But we reminded her that she got to that point because she spelled correctly two words that she was having a hard time with while we were practicing. We are so very proud of her!!
Gordon's second season of basketball has started. It is so fun to see him enjoying it. And Taylor is really enjoying being the coach as well. Makes my heart happy!!
Hopefully I will think of some others that have happened lately...and get back on track ;) We love you all so very much!

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