Monday, November 28, 2016


I know hard to believe that I am actually sending one of these again! Wow I have been a major slacker on this and I feel just awful when I think about all the cute memories that I will not remember because I did not write them down. But instead of looking back I will look forward :)
Russell, Evalyn and I were pulling into the gym parking lot the other morning and there were some landscapers that were working on trimming some trees. They were cutting off quite a bit. Russell looked over at it and said, "Oh see, Christmas is over so they are cutting down all the is okay they will put them up next Christmas."
Before the kids go to school we try to remember to put the Qore 24 hand spray on their hands to help them fit off germs. Ella said, "Hey if we spray it in our mouth then we wouldn't need to brush our teeth!" --don't worry, I quickly explained why that was a bad idea :)
Eden lost her first tooth!! And then the very next day she lost her second tooth. So of course we went out to the store the next day to spend her new found money ;)
Gordon has also lost two of his molars lately...I might need to take out a loan at this rate ;)
I caught Evalyn the other day standing in front of the mirror eating a piece of cheese...she was munching with a very wide mouth so that she could see exactly how everything was working to make the cheese get smaller. Her face was priceless.
Evalyn is a great snuggler. She will give you a hug just out of the blue and a kiss to go with it. I love how she takes me off guard to show her love!

At church today I was holding Evalyn during sacrament meeting on my lap. She got a hold of a hair tie elastic and without hesitation she pulled it back ready to shoot it up at Daddy on the stand. Taylor, may or may not have taught the kids a few nights prior how to make rubberband guns. 

We were cleaning the house and Taylor told the kids to pick up all the things that they would like to keep, everything else would be thrown in the garbage. We were all helping and there was a bag of plastic bugs, I asked Ella to put them away... She looked right at my face and said," No! I want those to get thrown away". Just like her mama was as a little girl... Not a fan of bugs, but the boys love them so she agreed to put them away ;)

Evalyn turned two this week. It is hard to believe!! We feel so very blessed to have this sweet and spunky little girl in our family. She has brought us so much joy! She got a stroller for her baby doll, a purse, and a little microwave. It is priceless to watch her with her purse pushing around her baby doll... A great little mom in training. I have a feeling the Henry will at some point have a ride in the stroller. I will need to have an eagle eye on this girl ;)

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