Monday, November 28, 2016


At any given moment you could walk around our house and find at least 20 little hot wheels cars hidden in various nooks and crannies. Courtesy of Russell of course. And if you chance to spot him he would have at least three cars in each hand. ;) 
Ellanor had some excitement this week. We were playing a game as a family on Taylor's phone and it was Ella's turn to "roll". After her turn she looked up at me with big eyes and said, "Mom, I just swallowed a DIME!" After a call to poison control we were told to take her in for an x-ray. While she was at the urgent care center with Taylor he asked her why she had put the dime in her mouth. Her response, "I had no other safe place to put it". And to put you all at ease...the coin made its awaited appearance this evening ;) 
Evalyn started eating rice cereal the other night. She did great! I couldn't get it in fast enough :) Now when I get the bowl ready she knows what is coming and can't contain her excitement. Growing up so fast!
We spent the 4th of July weekend with G&G Earl. While we were there we went swimming. The girls wanted to have some "swim lessons" we took their floaties off and they both just swam! The whole time we were in the pool they were swimming all around with no help! What a relief! Two more kids can swim!!! Puts this Mamas heart a little more at ease...still a worryer and will keep my eyes on all of them, but definitely a bit relieved! 
Russell has a deep love for all things Mickey Mouse. It is so fun to watch him get so excited when he gets to wear a Mickey Mouse shirt, or his Mickey Mouse Pajamas...and my favorite is to listen to him sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song. :) Disneyland in the fall is going to be a BLAST!
We love you all!!!

One small correction. I asked Ella why she put the dime in her mouth right after she told us she swallowed it. I wish I were more constrained to ask that question at a later time. But I must confess that my patience was thin for a  six-year-old girl who has the brain of an eight-year-old and who yet swallows a dime. 

But we did have a fun time at the hospital. I could tell she really enjoyed having a date with her dad. Let's hope we can have other dates in which I am paying with money and not having Ella swallow it.

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