Monday, November 28, 2016


I am so sad. I had an index card with lots of stories on it and it has been misplaced. I feel like I am constantly on the go these days. The kids have been doing adorable things and I have written them down... :( But now lost.
I need to get back into the habit of taking my notes on the computer so they don't get misplaced :)
So over the past few weeks...
In the hustle and bustle of life I was at Costco with the kids while Eden was at ballet. We were finished in time to load the groceries in the car and go pick up Eden and her friend....well this lady locked her keys in the car. Luckily we have AAA and they were able to come and open the car for me. While we were waiting for them to come. Ella looked at me and said, "Mom when is the Chick-fil-a guy gonna be here?" I didn't understand at first but then realized triple A sounds a lot like Chick-fil-a to a hungry little girl ;)
Russell is still so in love with the Pixar movie Cars. The kids love to run around our "track" down stairs. Russell will come into the kitchen and put his back up against the cabinets and have me say, "Start your engines". Then he will crouch down ready to run and rev his engine by making a growling sort of noise. The I say "Ready, set, GO" And he is off. And as he turns the corner he runs in a little zig-zag pattern with screeching sound effects. Such a cutie. He could do it for hours...and some days he does.
Evalyn is crawling! Not completely the traditional way (although she does on occasion) her preferred method to get around is the arm crawl. She is getting quite fast at it. Her new favorite place to hang out is under the kitchen table on the middle pedestal section.  And she surprised me the other day when I turned around to find that she has climbed up one step. And it begins again! ;) I vacuum and sweep all the time.
Gordon is such a sweetheart. We were sitting in sacrament meeting and he put his arm around me then leaned in and said "I love you Mom". I hear kids stop doing that at some point, but I hope he never does.
Ellanor is excelling in class. She is reading at a much higher level than most of her classmates. She also is a whiz speller. Each week when we go over spelling she gets them all right on her first try. Not something she inherited from her Mama.
We were listening to Pandora Disney Radio Station this morning and a song from 'The Lion King' came on. I said to Russell , "Oh, Lion King" His response was  "No is not Lightn' McQueen". Apparently I need to pronounce my words better...that or he ALWAYS has Cars on his mind...probably a little bit of both.

From Grandpa Earl: Such wonderful stories. It is always a highlight of my day to read the latest edition of the Grandparents Journal.  I would like to add one little experience. Last week, when I came to Gordon’s Cub Scout Meeting, Gordon pounded the Suburban window and screamed Grandpa with great enthusiam and Russell greeted me with his unique grin and the phrase “ Super cool. You’re awesome.”  Since this was the first time Russell verbally acknowledged me, I was thrilled.  I also enjoy the way Ella and Eden fight to sit next to me.  I felt truly loved by all of your children. 

I also wanted to note that will all of Ella’s educational achievements, you should add her perfect printing.   When  you left our home at the end of your last visit, we found love notes from all of the kids everywhere in the house.  We could identify Ella’s notes from a distance because of her perfect printing.  I am certain that she did not inherit this skill from her father.  Love, Grandpa Earl

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