Monday, November 28, 2016


I have been completely inconsistent with these and it makes me so sad to think about how many little memories I have lost. Know that the kids are adorable all the time, I am just a forgetful mother that is not so great right now at writing them down. 

Russell and I were outside saying goodbye to the kids for school. And on our walk back to the house he said, "Man, I love those kids."

Grandma Earl had given me some pretty gold large vases some time ago and they were out on the table. Russell handed me something and I stuck it in the vase. He gasped, "Mom, you just put that on the Piston Cup!!"-- everything is from the movie Cars in his mind ;) it does look a little like the Piston Cup. 

A week or so ago we were at the school for Gordon's choir concert. Taylor was coming straight from work and got there after they had already turned the lights down in the gym. The kids and I were sitting on the bleacher in the very back corner of the gym. The door to get in the gym is on the opposite corner. The choir was singing and the lights were off you would think it would be hard to spy when Taylor came in.... But not for Evalyn. The moment Daddy came walking through the door she recognized him from that far away and began frantically waving and reaching for him. She adores him so!!!

We had a package of guacamole and on the front of the package it has pictures of suggestions for what you can put the guacamole on. Each shape had portions of it cut out. (I put the picture on Facebook) they were normal suggestions like, dip it (with a picture of a bowl of chips with the bowl portion cut out), top it (with a picture of a taco with the inside cut out), spread it (with a picture of a hamburger with the meat portion cut out), and love it (with a picture of a heart cut out). Russell said, "Look Mom you can use this on :cookies, watermelon, hotdogs with lettuce and candy hearts". 

Tonight when Taylor got home from work he came in and Evalyn reached for him. Taylor was holding her then leaned over to give me a kiss. Right after that Evalyn leaned in for her kiss :)
The other day I was in the office working on Taxes....and I turned around to find Evalyn was hiding away in the closet. I went over to see what she was up to, and when I found her she gave me the look of complete panic that I had caught her. She had found someones Easter basket and had taken the giant chocolate bunny with her into the closet to consume. I am sure to no surprise to any of you...she was just a little upset that I took it away.
Ellanor lost one of her top front teeth and the other top front one is soon to follow. The first thing she said was, "Oh, I don't want them to fall out at the same will be so much harder to talk!". She looks adorable!!!
Evalyn is climbing the charts in the teeth department. She is up to 7. 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. :)
Our sweet Evalyn is such a mover and a shaker. She does not like to sit still. And she is a climber. I remember Russell wanting to climb, but Evalyn takes it to a new level. Tonight I caught her standing on the arm of the tiny zebra rocker we have. She was holding on to a rail on the bunk bed then she slowly let go of the rail and was just standing free on the arm of the little rocker, I saw for a moment the look in her eyes of the love of the thrill....oh am I in trouble!
We love you all so very much!!!

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