Friday, October 21, 2011


The other night I was bathing the kids and I was getting the girls out while Gordon pulled the plug to let the water out. Our big tub drains the water pretty quickly so it actually makes a loud noise while it sucks the water out. And Gordon was watching it do this and said, "Wow, the tub was thirsty!"

I went to pick up Taylor's computer from the apple store.To get to the Apple store we had to walk through Sacs Fifth Ave. There were bags and shoes galore. Ella was in heaven! As we walked in there were lots of workers who stopped and looked at Ella with her pink top, hair in a pony tail, and her sparkly sandals. As soon as she noticed that they were talking about her she totally turned it on. She was walking around with a little bounce in her step and pointing at items as if she was going to buy them. A view into the future I am sure. Maybe I should up her savings account already :)

Ella has inherited my genes and one surfaced the other day. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Earl's house the other day and the whole way home Ella was looking back out the back window with her arm stretched as far as it would go, crying...."Grandma! I want my Grandma!" I remember doing the exact same thing every time I left my Grandma's house too :)

We have been listening to classical music in the car lately and the other day Gordon asked, "Mom what song is this?" I began to explain it was a classical song just with instruments. But that was not good enough for him. He wanted to know what song it was, So I told him it could be about whatever you want. For example, that one became about two little fish who were friends swimming in the ocean. He got a bit nervous when the music got intense...but we worked through it. It has been quite fun. Now whenever we get into the car Gordon will tell me what song is on. Once it was a bird flying in the sky and another time it was an airplane song. He really is getting into his imagination.

Uncle Dan was trying to explain to Stephen and Gordon that they are big brothers and they need to protect their younger siblings. And for Gordon especially his sisters. So Uncle Dan said, "What if there was a dog trying to hurt Ella would you hit the dog?" Gordon replied, "NO, you don't hit dogs". Then Uncle Dan said, well if you had a stick would you hit the dog with the stick?" Stephen said, "Yes, I would hit the dog with the stick!". Then Gordon said, "No I would throw the stick so the dog would chase it (and get away from Ella)." Gordon loves his sisters but he might love dogs just as much :)

Eden has started to blow kisses. Every time I walk into our room where Taylor is studying Eden will blow Taylor a kiss. It is adorable!

She also will pull herself up to a standing position along a chair and then will push the chair and walk along with it. It makes her look so old! I can't believe her birthday is in a little over a month.

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