Friday, October 21, 2011


Ella woke up very early the other morning. She came out and said, " I want to watch a show". I asked, " Which one?" Then she looked at me and very enthusiastically said, "SUPER WHY.......THE POWER TO READ!" So cute!!!

In church on Sunday I brought along some coloring books and a bag with our crayons. Also in the crayon bag is a box of chalk. Ella pulled it out and shook it. She looked up with me with an expression of 'what is this'. I whispered to her that is was chalk. She nodded her head. Then later on during sacrament she pulled it out again and shook the box looking up at me and said "Look, Chocolate" I responded with, "No, it is Chalk". Then she said with a big smile, "Yeah Mom, it is CHALK---olate!"

Grandma Nielsen has been here this week to help us paint and pack (THANKS GRANDMA!!!) and while she was here she said the phrase to Ella, "See you later Alligator". Ella paused for a moment and looked at her and said, "I'm a Princess".

One of the things that I love most about Gordon is that he is a spueratic hugger. It doesn't matter when or where you are it is common just out of the blue for Gordon to run up and give you a giant Squeeze.

Gordon went bowling this week with a friend and he bowled an 80. Pretty good for his second time!

Ella can recognize quite a few of her letters now. She knows L, W, M, O, Q, B for sure and maybe a few others. It is fun to see her really getting into learning!

Eden got her two bottom teeth this week!!! HURRAY. Hopefully the regular naps will come back :) --she is growing like a weed. She is very comfy in her 12 month clothes and even wearing some 18 month things...YIKES.

A few more phrases I have caught the kids saying a lot lately. -- adding 'so much' after saying things. "Love you SO MUCH" "Thank you SO MUCH"
And they will say "That's perfect" A LOT :) Again phrases I have noticed that I say they are picking up on :)


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