Friday, October 21, 2011


We love you all and hope all is well with all of you. Sorry I am getting this out a few days late :)

We were driving out of the Target parking lot and Ella said to me, "Mom I am a good ruler". I said, "Oh, what does a good ruler do?" She replied, "I obey my Mom, so I am a good ruler! You should tell Dad that when he gets home."

This morning we had our pest control company come out and spray for us. And the particular spray they were using this time had quite a smell. It was more then I could stand so I needed to get out of the house. But I then found out that this spray was on all of the carpets and we were not to walk on it until it was dry (around two hours). I was not prepared. The girls and I all had not done our hair and we all had grubbies on. Even though we looked a little scary we went out to McDonalds for lunch (since we also had not eaten yet) I will prepare better for the next treatment :) I had a good laugh this I am sure everyone else at McDonalds did as well.

The kids were coloring during sacrament meeting on Sunday. They were all being very reverent it was wonderful. Eden we busy putting the crayons in and out of the box and in and out of my hand. Gordon came over and whispered to me, "Can I have the green crayon" I tried to pull the green one out without Eden noticing so she would not melt down without a full pack of crayons to put back into the box. She was being very methodical. One by one sifting through the remaining stack until there was one orange crayon left in my hand and then loudly announced, "Here is the green one for you Gordon" picking it up so carefully and handing it over to him. The whole time she was looking for the green to give him (now we just need to work a little harder on color recognition :) )

Gordon and Taylor were able to go up to a camp site for the day on Saturday. They had a great time hiking and playing in the river. But I think the highlight for Gordon was making a Doritos and marshmallow smore....not a flavor combo I think I will ever need to try :)

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