Friday, October 21, 2011


I was getting Gordon ready for bed tonight and he said "Mom, I need to hold my Dad".

Ella is getting very good at knowing all the places on her face. She is also getting into animal sounds. Dog, frog, duck, and bird are some of her favorites.

The other morning Gordon came into the bathroom with me. I was taking my turn when Gordon informed me he needed to go "Right now" so I hopped off and let Gordon have his turn then I was able to resume my turn. I didn't flush in between and Gordon looked at me with a confused face and asked "Mom are you going to go poo-poo on top of my pee-pee?" It took me off guard. I said I guess I am. Then when I was finished he clapped for me and told me what a good job I did and then said "Mom bend over time to wipe" I told him that I was a big girl and could do it all by myself. I guess he has the routine down at least, potty training is working a little bit :)

Gordon and his little cousin Stephen have had some fun conversations lately. They were sitting up at the table and Stephen took a bite of his dinner and Gordon said "Stephen that makes me so happy you took a bite. And it makes your mommy so happy too".

The other night Grandma Earl put Ella to bed but not before they had a little dance party. Ella loves to dance. The next morning I asked her if she danced with Grandma last night and she quickly responded "YES" as she did a little jig.

Ella and Uncle Cameron have come a long way this week. At the beginning of the week whenever Cameron would even come into the room Ella would take one look at him and start to cry. Then Cameron would bring animal crackers with him to give her when he came into the room. She would take the cracker and run away. He slowly tried to give her a high five and she would come over and push his hand away. Then she warmed up and gave him a high five. And the other day Cameron came into the room holding Ella and announced he had made the break through. Now they are great friends. Ella loves her Uncle Cameron.

Gordon always says that he needs things rather than he wants things.

Ella, like Gordon, has her favorite blanket she carries all around the house.

Every time Ella says outside she shrugs one shoulder (I have no idea why, but it makes me laugh every time)

As of tonight Gordon has a new fascination with Dominos. We showed him how to line them up so that when you knock one over they all fall down. We even watched a few crazy domino set-ups on youtube. We have lit a fire within this little boy who loves to line things up and to knock things over. What a perfect game, I can't believe it took us this long to introduce it to him :)


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