Friday, October 21, 2011


Happy Easter to all. Hope everyone enjoyed conference weekend.

During the Saturday morning session I told Gordon when the session was over we could go outside and play. After a few talks Gordon looked over at me and said, "Mom, how many prophets are there?"

We have been working with Gordon on the days of the week and it seems to have rubbed off on other things a bit.
He will say the following:
morning day
Church Day
School Day
Next Day (instead of tomorrow)

I was explaining how the tivo works to Gordon earlier this week. He wanted to watch a certain show right then (which I had not recorded)...I began to explain, "I need to tell it to tape something for it to work." He seemed to be understanding. Then he went over to the tivo mumbling something and came back a few moments later. He told me , "I just talked to it (the tivo) and it said yes"

Eden had a check up last week. Her stats are:
Weight- 18lbs 14oz
puts her in the 95%

Ella said to Eden..."Hey Eden you need to wake up really super really fast".

Ella is very independent. She often says ,"I do it all my self". :)

It seems as if there were many other things throughout the week, but I can't recall them right now.

We love you all!!!

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